Herve Villechaize

Matt Damon won’t tell a man what to do.  

Sorry, Cate, but NO!!! Playing dumb just doesn’t cut it. Own it. Apologize. Move on. Then apologize some more.

I’m guessing Justin Theroux dumped her because he and his spy friends thought they were simply too cool and edgy for Mila Kunis.

Republicans are disgusted by this...

Pick your battles, people!!! This is not the hill you want to die on.

Oh, chivalry... you are oh so DEAD.

I’m sure Nixon would make an OK Governor. I’ll vote for her just because I am forced to take the NYC subway every day and Cuomo has done fuck all about this daily nightmare that gets worse by the hour.

Moscow Donnie should just copy and paste his tweets from now on...I’M GUILTY! I’M GUILTY!


I said weirdly because he’s one of the few hot men out there who is way hotter without hair than with it. Have you seen old photos of him? He was actually less hot.

On a side note, I think Stormy Daniels’ lawyer is weirdly hot.

I haven’t watched MTV in almost two decades. Bring back music videos and I might reconsider. Until then, fuck the fuck right off.

Not sure about Jon Hamm anymore. He doesn’t get me going the way he used to. My lady bits seem to have dried on him.

I’m a but meh on this one. Really looking forward to Witherspoon’s show with Jen Aniston about the morning talk show wars.

But if someone were trying to blackmail me for millions I’d make sure there was a paper trail. Especially if that person was threatening to accuse me of sexual harassment.

The “self-esteem” comes from having a dick...in a society where all kinds of dicks have been celebrated for centuries. Just keep in mind, this isn’t real self esteem. It’s manufactured self esteem that comes from a place of very deep insecurity.

I can only hope the Republican party never, ever recovers from Trump. The rest of us will be fine because we are genuine badass American patriots! Not folks who think Freedom and Democracy are just buzzwords you throw on a fucking bumpersticker. Fuck all those people. You Dear Leader types belong in North Korea. Or

Doesn’t everyone have some form of herpes at this point?

If Seacrest’s accuser tried to extort millions of dollars from him as he claims then E! should be able to provide proof of that before he hits the red carpet. Or at least sworn testimony that this actually happened. She’s already provided a witness to her account. Seacrest hasn’t provided much of anything.

Wait, is this the actress Maria Bello? Is she a screenwriter too?