
From the people who brought you Grumpy Cat

all i see is this

they really broke the mold on this one.

PLEASE KEEP YOUR HAPPINESS TO A MINIMUM. Some of us are trying to be miserable.

I would sarcastically say he’s fun at parties, but that would require him to be invited to them.

Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?

Mmm... first-gen Aurora...

sooooo uhhh what bathroom does it use? and does it hate pedestrians?

Don’t you mean north? Everything I’ve seen (minimal, though) says built in Mexico for those models too.

“is looking at this with a volume mindset,”

onerous regulations or loopholes plugged in by lobbyists?

That I understand; I just hadn’t been keeping up with Volvo. Last I looked, only the T6 and T8 (plug-in hybrid) versions of the new XC90 were available; they must have released the base T5 rather recently. So since I didn’t know there was a T5 version of the new XC90, I assumed you were talking about the old one,

Why not just bring over the Civic Tourer? I would be interested in this in Acura ILX trim.

I figured the Olympics in Rio would be a shitshow, but a vomitshow? That’s setting a whole new bar, guys.

Thinner headlamps and tension, it all became a bit Joan Rivers later on.