I think I’d much rather have a Carrera S convertible or a Corvette ZR1 or a Toyota Supra AND a loaded F150, or a Model S Plaid AND a Model Y long range. But hey, he knows what he has...
I think I’d much rather have a Carrera S convertible or a Corvette ZR1 or a Toyota Supra AND a loaded F150, or a Model S Plaid AND a Model Y long range. But hey, he knows what he has...
I think model y sales went up by more than there entire sales volume.
I thought it a shame they didn’t call it the Nissan Cube Outback... that’s what it conceptually is.
I can’t believe they are moving on from Cavil. He should have been the best Superman ever and the movies just weren’t well done. Without him at as the Witcher... yeeesh. I just don’t know. But Gunn doesn’t seem to make bad suuperhero movies. Let’s hope.
If there was a global shortage of piano black plastic over the last couple years, it’s because Kia bought it all. I think this car is a solid, slightly funky design and the interior is nicely laid out - but good grief the only thing not slathered in piano black is the headliner! I’d say get the Chevy and the tax write…
Gosh, I wonder how many percent of the royalties he got and what kind of impacts helping make Tim Allen, post coke sales, so rich, had on his childhood. But yeah, let’s wax poetic about how we can’t imagine what damage was done in our name and what mistakes the person that developed in that context has made. I find…
Folks, marry someone who is as horny for you as Jalopnik is for Telsa.
AWW CiLLy is Twiggerd ... Sawwy I maDe YoU mad SiR, Sawwy Muh Engrish iznt gud enuf fo yous. And yeah, the tires look small. Lift it another two inches and put at least 35 inch tires on it or admit this is for rich people posing in the winter while their Harley is in storage. Better yet, go on a hike and keep your…
Surprise, Jalopnik has negative comments about Tesla. I should just cut and paste this comment for every article.
All of these off road versions, because they refuse to change any of the tuning or suspension to handle larger diameter tires, look like they skipped leg day to me. I think it looks fantastic but overall, for most people this is a dumb purchase and not sure I’d want to buy one that’s 10 years old with to mod with…
Absolutely no one needs this truck. It’s a corvette for people who like dirt. If that’s your thing, and you have time for that sort of nonsense (I mean, joy)... yay? I’m sure it’s well engineered, even though it’s an objectively worse truck than a regular Ranger at doing truck stuff. But we are in a weird era of…
You’re EXACTLY like him. The first line you quoted is SARCASM.
It’s tough being an aging white guy these days... but seriously folks there are plenty of terrible enough people of all colors to prove that it absolutely isn’t skin-color that determines if someone is awful. Additionally, no one who’s this angry is reacting to another driver. We don’t know if this man’s wife just…
I’d like to humbly suggest that you replace the author as a regular writer for Jalopnik, which has become dumber, less objective, more reactionary, and less fact-based in the last few years. I would not try to make excuses for Nazis, but to call this car a Nazi-car is reductionist and lazy. Thanks for writing with…
More poorly done clickbait headlines. Prices will come down after dealers realize they can’t sell cars at the higher markups. They also have used inventory that was expensive
The sheer, naked, desperate, groping, unprofessional, un-journalistic dedication to ripping apart anything to do with Telsa because their CEO isn’t a nice man is stupid and has dampened my enthusiasm for this website greatly. The FIRST question that needs answered is, REALLY why do we need the traditional car…
It’s over twice the price of the base model civic. It’s 5000 dollars more than a similar Tesla that’s cheaper to run and will leave it for dead in every scenario that’s not on a track or an extremely twisty road. I’m just extremely underwhelmed at this price with an economy car with big tires and an engine that’s…
No but it means this is a platform that was designed to be cheap and cheerful and now it’s got a bigger engine with a ton of boost and bigger tires but no awd, no fancy transmission, very little aluminium in the construction, no awd, same infotainment, same suspension setup but loads of squishy dash parts? Millions…
This isn’t a low volume sports car. It’s a Civic with a big turbo and fender flares. The very concept of this sort of a car is supposed to be great performance at a discount.
Trying to be sane about things - I think the pandemic shortages have made small batch cars into things that manufactures expect to be fought over. That led to lots of price gauging - and increased MSRPs so that the company gets more of that premium. Well interest rates are like 5% higher than then, everything is…