
Why? Because they can. Because people like this are so utterly forgettable and powerless in their own lives that they resort to these tactics. They can literally sit and watch the shares and retweets and ongoing commentary explode. All because the perpetrator made a couple of clicks and typed up a few sentences.

Someone else summed it up like this. The internet lets you put on a mask, and some people become batman while others become super-villains.

Thank you for reminding me when the greatest source of daily tension in my life was seeing that one fucking PT Cruiser in my hometown and wondering why someone would buy it. I was so naive. I was so lucky.

Why do people perpetrate online hoaxes? Why do people shoot from a 32 story building? Why do people vote for Trump? Why do people throw a kitten out of a moving car (my foster cat)? Why do people abuse loved ones? Why do people drive PT Cruisers? I just don’t know anymore. People are crazy, that’s all I got.

God I remember how disgusting it was after the UK attacks this year as it quickly turned from fake photos of young people stolen of off social media which is bad enough to “who can pass off the worst person as a victim” with paedophiles and murderers ended up getting repeatedly shared as victims of each tragedy.

I feel like the people who do this shit after tragedies are out for attention of any kind, even if it isn’t attention paid to them in real life because the internet is basically their real life at this point. I don’t get how people could be so horrible, but the world amazes me with its horrifying awfulness on a daily

Because some people are assholes?

He’s kind of creeping me out. His body looks like some weirdly fit 70 year old you see doing calisthenics in the park. He just looks weirdly aged in general, like if you dunked the Most Interesting Man in Just For Men and let him dry in the sun.

he definitely missed all legs days.

He looks like a prize cunt without the captions reinforcing the fact that he is indeed a prize cunt.

Kinda conflicted about this one. On one hand, I agree stem cell research is necessary and the US does need to fund it more than we do now. On the other hand, stem cells will not cure autism because autism is not a fucking disease that can be cured.


For the third time today, the only appropriate response is FUCK THIS GUY.

Because some teenager in a hotel blazer demanding to search that guy’s bags would have ended SO DAMN WELL.

see his instagram

WTF is even happening in that top photo. Did the Brawny towel guy murder Isaiah Mustafa and steal his Old Spice commercial?


It is a terrifying and terrifyingly sad movie. I watched it all the way through and was like, yeah, that could be me, :’(