

Have an incredibly adorable Sass-Squatch. She’ll make everything better.

I know what you mean about Stephen Miller’s eyes, but he strikes me as more a rampage killer than a serial killer. Sometimes he looks as if their aren’t enough Clock Towers in the world for him.

Eagerly awaiting the inevitable “screw you” tweet from Gloria Allred and Lisa Bloom (still representing dozens of Trump’s harassment victims).

Just remember, there was violence on both sides during the Holocaust.

Dead eyes. Stephen Miller has dead eyes. Trump is a bloviating, ham fisted nazi apologist, but Stephen Miller is serial killer levels of intensity and he scares me.

as long as he can grab us by our pussies, I think we should be ok, right???

I think his quote about “advancement of women” was a typo and he actually meant “advancement ON women.”

*Except fat chicks.

I just assumed that this was written and published without Trump’s approval or knowledge.

My “appropriate programs and activities” will involve lots and lots of booze and some Handmaid’s Tale. Join me in spirit across America, friends.

All news is fake news unless it compliments POTUS and / or is retweeted by him.

I’m seriously curious who wrote this. Because I know there was no way “I’m a nice guy why don’t girls like me?” Stephen Miller did.

Surely this story must be fake news then:

Kelly is really doing his job because he got him to edit the initial statement which read:

Ladies, you can have tomorrow off.

feel better, red