

Uhhh...as a Canadian whose hometown was attacked on Wednesday, with several friends involved in the lockdown... I don't find her tweet in the least bit offensive. In fact, it pretty much sums up the POV of many of my friends posting on social media: for us, this is a big deal because gun violence is not a daily/hourly


I'm perfectly happy with class action lawsuits for false advertising, because maybe then companies will stop putting forth this false advertising bullshit.

Thank you, I'm glad someone gets it.

Yes. It is sexist and overreaching in authority for a judge to comment on that. However eye roll-inducing it is, there's no legal issue to it. I think lots of judges are guilty of this, making comments about peoples' clothing in court, etc. It's as if people are being formally judged on class. Until computers are

What business is it of the judge to dictate what this woman wears or posts online? She's not endangering her kid or exposing her to public humiliation. Stick to the law and not worry about the defendant's instagram.

Depending on your interpretation of forgiveness I suppose. I once saw an Oprah show years ago where they were discussing what forgiveness means to people and why it is so hard to give. A lot of people, or perhaps most, assume that to forgive someone means you are saying something like "it's ok what you did, I'm over

Don't state "proven a myth" when the wiki you're referencing does no such thing. That's really embarrassing. I read what was there with an open mind to the idea that I was wrong. When I read through an article and find out that the thing you referenced as "proof" includes a german man that thinks it's "untenable"

Jennifer Lopez has been offered a lube sponsorship. Not quite sure what a lube sponsorship is

Boo, Clay Aiken, boo. Inappropriate by whose standard? The same assholes who kept you in the closet.

Thank you so much again for the gift of your kindness. I'll keep your words close to my heart...especially in my darkest days.

I obviously did not think this through.

"And then I shall rip open your femoral artery with my razor sharp talons," says the adorable baby owl.

Hello, little baby owl. I'm going to put you in my pocket.

I bet this cat just watched Bob's Burgers and Youtube videos and didn't even do his homework.

No, Kara goes on to say that many black and latino women have baby hairs that are a different texture than the rest of their hair and are artfully styled, usually by gelling down, to draw attention to them. You're just ignoring the entire context of the post to feel some type of way about how hard it is to be you.

Ahahaha "farming community," I will have to use that. Yes, having lived in multiple cities it makes me crazy when family members ask if my partner is teaching "urban" students. Nope, they're shipping kids in from the hinterlands of New Orleans. I'm also reminded of the argument I had with a roommate after she called

Solid strategy: stop reading the second you find something to be bothered about. If you keep reading then the rest of the paragraph might fix the problem, and you won't be able to feel put upon and make it about you.