
Dude, even your hairline is lying. What sort of greasy bargain-bin hairpiece is that?

TOP NOTCH Dirt Bag, Burt!

It must suck to be an almost elderly gay man and not be allowed to leave the closet because your religion frowns upon it.

Is it just me, or does John Travolta increasingly resemble a 1980's cartoon villain? He's like Gargamel with hair.

I really admire your courage! Making that decision must have been very difficult. Do you mind me asking what is your area of study? And what specifically made you unhappy about your PhD?

I feel like she's just so rattled by how much she loathed Black Jack, a man who looks just like her husband. But I was also like R U F K, Claire???

Yeah who is going to start the "How to Knit All Your Favorite Items From Outlander" Tumblr?

Also, knitwear note: Pretty into this shawl thing?

I'm fairly certain that I watched at least 85% of this episode through my fingers.

In a general sense you're right, but in this context we're talking to (and about) people who spend so much time striving for their ideal or "perfect" self that they forget to accept themselves along the way. I'm sure 99% of us (at least in the U.S.) know at least one person who is constantly striving toward an end

Hi Andy, I agree with and point to the premise of your question. If we look at the way research-oriented personality psychologists define extraversion, 'thoughtfulness' is not really part of the trait. In the taxonomies of personality (e.g., the 'Big 5'), we see thoughtfulness more a part of another broad trait,

Walmart has apparently released parking lot footage of the discovery:

Now playing

I always think of this when southern accents are discussed. I spent 3 years in North and South Carolina, and unfortunately "Y'all" has somehow slipped into my vocabulary, which my yankee family and friends love to tease me for.

The divide between how much mysticism and empiricism to allow in ones life is very clear and defined.

This is a very complicated discussion. In general, most CAM is hogwash, but not quite all of it. Certain CAM treatments are just as effective as FDA approved or allopathic ones for specific problems. Acupuncture works just as well for post menopausal or medication induced hot flashes as medications. Hypnosis and

Looks more like she IS an autumn, and stole spring/summer colours, though.

Dear Internet Commenter,