
Yes, you actually ARE trying to be a dick. AND YOU ARE SUCCEEDING!

Unfortunately, this is an indicator that “The Rock Test” probably isn’t as effective as we might have hoped if this happened to Terry Crews. :-(

This is probably a weird place to say something like this, but I’m a guy, and I was sexually harassed by my boss when I was in college. Nothing horrible or graphic, just consistently inappropriate, obnoxious attention that actually got worse when I told him to cut the shit out. I honestly hadn’t thought about it

Was waiting for this story to hit, after checking those Twitter trends.

I wish he’d called the cops, because what he experienced is a crime.

Everyone’s shit is emotional right now.

Yeah. I mean, I’m not saying that successful people can’t also be good people—there are tons of examples. But there are some extraordinarily competitive, dog-eat-dog fields, with a sufficiently toxic culture, where a streak of sociopathy is almost indispensable to making it ... where it’s more the rule than the

Gross generalization incoming: some of the very personality traits that are helpful in amassing a fortune and climbing to the top of an industry heap ... are much less helpful in wearing one’s success lightly, or in limiting its use to innocuous ends.

*Ron Howard voice-over*

Damn that’s disgusting.

I was pretty dismissive of all the people saying the move was gonna make the site suck. I never even liked Disqus. This new website however sucks. I don’t understand the layout and the way the articles are presented (the titles even look more clickbait-y then they used to) and there is all this other crap I never

By far, my favorite thing about the Kinja crossover is how a significant portion of the top comments are from racist trolls and the general discourse of the site has shifted to general assholery. That’s just the best.

But on the plus side, the comments threads used to grow so fast it was really hard to keep up with what people were saying. Now, there’s nothing to keep up with. Win-win!

Beginning to feel like the kinja experiment has backfired spectacularly. Three comments and counting on this article...

I came to this comments section to be alone.

You don’t really have any place judging the community that really helped define the AV Club for more than a decade. It was a vibrant, very unique and friendly; intelligent, dark and deeply funny satiric conversations - back-and-forths which were incredibly amusing - and plenty of really serious conversations. It was a

I mean, literally everybody that was using the site before Kinja agrees the redesign is terrible. Conversations are harder to follow in the comments, and the website itself is harder to navigate. It’s only natural that making the website harder to use would result in a loss of regular visitors.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

I found his comments about the geography of the city mainly fair, but man, I can’t believe you didn’t get to the point of his article where the following happens:

Barry: I went up to these ladies in a bar and they didn’t want to talk to me
Barry: Heh, they weren’t

YES! I wanted to read what the commentariat thought about Nocturnal Animals before watching this weekend and there was nothing there. I wept.