
Not quite lost. Do a google search for the AV Club review whose Disqus comments you wish to read and add ‘site:disqus.com’ to the end. It doesn’t seem to work for every episode (or any episode, for shows reviewed quite a while ago), but I’ve been able to read the comments on reviews for Mr. Robot, Orphan Black, The

Like tears in the rain..

I guess a lot of us are spending the weekend sad about how the AV Club we loved is wiped and gone. Kinja is hell, and you lied to us about how extreme the changes would be.

Hey MicroFuckfaces...Maybe take 5 minutes to fix PowerPoint so when you start bullet points and then do a subbullet under a main bullet point then you want to go to the next line with a main bullet it is almost Goddamn Fucking impossible to change it back to a main bullet point.... It wants to continue a subbullet

Follow me on this.

Ok, folks... time for a little reality check.

People keep saying Trumpie’s gonna be out of office by the end of the year, but then some shit like this happens, people publicly chide him, and life goes on. Is homeboy gonna have to kill someone on live tv for whoever the fuck’s job it is to pry an idiot president out of office to actually start turning the wheels?

I think it’s probably safe to assume at this point that if any right-winger comes forward saying that they were physically attacked by a liberal for their political beliefs or appearance, they made it up. I mean, it’s probably happened in real life at some point, but it gets faked more.

“... Witt himself bought the knife at a nearby sporting good store, and he cut his hand while opening up its packaging”... Is this the first time in history that child-proof packaging actually worked? 

Ratings and wealth are the only metrics Trump understands. Any time he wants to insult someone, he says they’ve got low ratings or are losing money. Unless it’s a woman, of course, in which case he just says they’re ugly.

That reminds me of the ending to Battlestar Galactica, where everyone decides to chuck their perfectably good technology into the sun just because of one little robot uprising that made people want to try something completely new and outrageous in the hopes that what had happened before would not happen again, only to

I don’t get it. Why would ratings be important to a President? Lots of people watching doesn’t mean lots of people approve of what he did.

His dementia is pretty specific.

Finnish President: “Umm...I’ve got to leave. Our country has spent the last 75 years trying to explain being aligned with totalitarian dictators and I don’t want any further confusion.”

And here’s me thinking he did it because he was a Cvnt

I’ve recently been reminded of an old joke.

Heckuva job, Trumpie.

We’re trying to keep our community together and kinja is trying very hard to drive us apart.

I was to understand the “very first” story after going live was how to get out of the grays?