
Literally Hooray this Shit
This week we have successfully managed to put the toddler on the potty all 4 days till now and he has done his business without much fuss!!

I have been active around here for 4-5 years now maybe and I enjoy reading your posts. You seem like a real cool person. It is not easy to exposes one's vulnerabilities in an open online forum as you leave yourself open to any sort of comment. It is a testimonial to the environment on AV Club and the decency of most

Cartoon animal which does not fit in with its species stereotype. Now that's a novel idea

I am disappointed this thread does not have a nostalgia laden story of when someone went to school on Saturday

but not using the office computer. Use your bloody phone

Yes about that advice to use office computer to look for a sex worker - PLEASE DON'T

"We’re in an age with a desperate need for greater understanding and empathy, but If I Understood You doesn’t have anything to say about how a strong connection can be used in dark ways, like how, to pick a random example, a populist politician can storm into office on the back of falsehoods because he’s better at

Parliamentary system can be a mess especially with so many parties. Here in India many regions have so many regional parties and it becomes a mess sometimes.

The Cricket pads crack me up !!

This is going to be the av club big scoop. This is coming up top on predisent searches. Probably going to bring some new users

Well we were never on the fence and always wanted to have kids. But I have thought a lot about having kids and what it means and what it adds to life. At higher level to me life is about enjoying beauty. The world around is beautiful but at some point you have to get involved actively and create things. I feel that is

Butt stuff with chrises ( Pratt, Evans and Hemsworth - now that sounds like a lawyer firm)

Both could bed just one thing

The rain fixation started particularly after reading a kid encyclopedia with picture of a flood.

That's a tough one for the child. We don't know that much about child psychology but least we can do is hug them and tell them we will always love you no matter what.

So good to hear from others. Happy for your son's progress.

Sympathy upvote - your first paragraph is exactly what is the case for us also. It is getting better but yes it is still going to be there. I know these are like problems which are there in each family but still it is hard for us. As you pointed out in the middle of this we are also growing up and facing challenges in

This Fucking guy is now screwing up the whole fucking world. Cynical regimes like Saudis and Russia are playing him like a fucking banjo. Saudi is in power struggle for hegemony over the islamic world with Iran. They co-opted Trump and are now shamelessly moving their pieces. They have surrounded Qatar and as we speak

Children Thread
Thread to discuss your experience/concerns/issues around your children

Is this deja vu. Did this exact comment and this reply come before also