
A A ron

Such a beautiful thing!!
And must I say damn impressive and resourceful. She looked quite affected by the tragedy but she has bounced right back and the quick action is quite amazing.

Luke Ronchi?

It's a blast

Old man yells at rocks

this is getting into tiresome territory. 4th one was when it became meh

What angers me as here in the third world we are still struggling to pull our people out of poverty. Power cuts are regular in cities and it is much worse in villages. We are trying to do everything we can on sustainable sources of energy. But traditional coal / nuclear capacities are not enough and more are needed. I

So far he was just fucking with Americans. Now he is sCrewing rest of us who had nothing to do with electing this moron

Massive explosion in Kabul killing at least 80. This was in the central part of Kabul in the diplomatic area which is a regular target.

two things could have also happened

Finally he deleted it AFTER 5-6 hours. This fuckery was up all night and world's most powerful government was able to do nothing to not make its leader look like a moronic jackass in front of the whole jeering world.

Right there in white House they are playing Russian roulette to decide who Wakes him up to get him to delete it

Right. Though that would exclude most of the western hemisphere

The Official Pun Thread
You might say that the filmmakers have fallen into a bad habit

Ocean's 14:Redneck's revenge

Hot Take: Famous comedian who is very funny is more authentic in his/her latest special

"I am not here, just Joaquin"


There is this feeling of I caused this that can come. Not to make this about myself but thinking in lines of how terrorism is touching us all -i went through some of this. During my MBA my friend was shot at point blank in a temple terrorism incident. He barely survived but lost his father. Previous day I had

It was a blast