
Plus the queen is head of regime that has history of starving half the world to death so she is not affected by this

I hear that a lot but wouldnt that permanently give the rest of the country to the Republicans

I couldn't care less if he toppled the government. Anyway not my government. I am just commenting on how he is being great at his job

Colbert is in his element and on a roll. He knows exactly how to go about this hunt. He has smelt blood but he is going about very methodically. There could be a tendency to go shrill and outragey with the flood of scandals coming in. But he is just mixing enough humor without going smug and keeps chipping away at

Is Pitt going the silly face hair route ala Depp

Nobody puts baby in the corner. That's why they put him in an Oval office.

Yes Abigail looks like a decent lead for this role. But the guy seems wooden even in a still picture

Hingle McCringleberry
L'Carpetron Dookmarriot
J'Dinkalage Morgoone
Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon

Batiste is a socially awkward guy. Watching him I get painfully aware of how I talk when I am put in a spot in front of crowd.

Salmon thought it would be cute

He killed it

“We need to keep Trump out of the country until we figure out what the hell is going on.”

Leading women in Hollywood keep getting thinner and thinner. It really feels odd on a movie where they are supposed to play athletic swimmers

Yes here in third world there is a constant low intensity war going on.

So basically he was your average AV Club poster

Asking for it

Fox fails Beckel test

They just voted for a President watches women

No non-douchebags have been known to make a comment like "Look, let me put on my CEO hat for a second"

Can fill the Josh Gad shaped big hole in Hollywood now