
Good show!!
I have been trying hard but smaller kid is going through the will never sleep phase. So I end up sleeping late and ll groggy in morning and missing the gym most days.

Imagine what these thugs would be doing in Turkey

RIP Ryan

"what the deal is with anal lubricants" - Seinfeld 2017

That don't impress me much

I hurt Huckabee

I am Sasse and I know it

She is naturally very good at comedy. very effortless

Yes he feels good for the part which he seems to be playing straight like a normal guy

The A. V. Club
I have other things to do

Check out my rad new winamp skin

This shows that the network thinking is still stuck in 90s. There is nothing called Must see now. There are potentially unlimited choices for people now.

Jordan Peele: "Consequences"

I love the concept of this show. It is great that now we have shows set in academia or art world. Not everything has to be cops and robbers.

That's cold Jay

I think there is some lazy characterizarion. His name suggests he is a South Indian but I think they show his parents as from north or something like that. To be fair lot of films/ movies are blind to Indian diversity which almost like Europe. Imagine guy with polish name having french parents.

They seemed cool but did they require them to talk in unnatural shrill voice

I know people shit on BBT but I can use it to fill air as a background noise where as this shit was totally intolerable

Golden wispy Cloud botherer

Taken 5: there's an app for it