Heron Hernandez

They are not claiming they were too drunk to consent and only thought of it as rape when it turned out there were no jobs.

He slipped them into drinks or told them it was something else. Neither of those things happened in this case.

This does not compare to Cosby at all.

The scenario you just presented is not the same as the one presented in the article.

The person who got her drunk was herself, not another person. She did not pass out, she consented to sex, no one forced themselves on her.

I didn’t say it had to be forcible to be rape. I am saying that dishonesty doesn’t make for rape.

If someone pretends to be rich and then isn’t, is that rape too now? What if they use a fake name?

Christ, that looks like the fight against the first opponent in Punch-Out.

Vanguard Knight, no person will be denied a home loan in these days if they have sufficient capital and a job to prove that they can pay the loan. Community development? Right now most young black males, instead of picking up a book, or spending time at the library, chase guns drugs and girls. Please look at this

So white people preferring the company of other white people isn’t racist as well?

Now playing

Muhammad Ali himself saw race. He preferred to be “with his own”. He said he didn’t hate anyone, it’s just a preference. You can be racist but not be a bad person.

he doesn’t understand economics well. but he’s a helluva boxing writer.

Watch him versus Cleveland Williams on YouTube. Williams never landed a punch. 3 rounds of beating.

Actually, bugs may not be as efficient and eco-friendly as previously thought.

But where’s the moral superiority in that?

Go fuck yourself.


At the rate of 340.751 drachma to the 1 euro, ransom is set at 3 billion pesos

Just like her “donations” to her own charity (that spends 88% on her personal and family expenses), I hope they make sure to deduct it for taxes.

At least you’re not as racist as most Liberals who say Canada.

The kidnappers agreed to donate 10% of any ransom to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

According to a report obtained by the Dallas Morning News, Dallas police officers responded to a call about a shooting at an apartment at about 3:20 a.m. Saturday morning. The resident of the apartment said an individual had kicked open his front door and entered his apartment. The resident, who had been asleep,