Heron Hernandez

I don’t know how people can say she just recently became unhinged ( the Darth Vadar and Hard Worker idiocy). This is an article from years back about how Bill Clinton magically made black people dig him by some Jedi mind trick or something:

Why would anyone possibly care? This is the same lady that made fun of Mitt Romney’s (black) grandson for having the audacity to be adopted by the Romney family.

She's making all the right moves to build her brand. This victim narrative works well with the lucrative 18-35 white female demographic. She's receiving terrific marketing advice.

The judges were 2 female and 1 male.

The kid won the contest, though. Ergo, he was more deserving.

Do guys regularly outperform you in your field?

Care to give an update on this story that you posted several weeks ago?

The fucking irony of these three people making life-changing decisions about young men’s physical fitness....

Looks like he already threw his front out.

I’ve always thought the most amazing part of that photo is how the hell those bikes are supporting all that weight.

They already have them beat.

I’ve told this story here before, but it still makes me laugh. I worked in a hotel in downtown Indy that connects to the convention center, prior to the JW opening it was the nicest hotel of any size in the city. So it was highly popular amongst players, coaches, etc.

Later that day, its back to the clubhouse for shakes!

Is anyone else as excited as me to see the beautiful disaster this season will be with those two on the same team? I can’t wait for the fist-fight... In fact they should just complete the trifecta by inviting Buddy in to be a consultant so he can punch someone too...

Look out McCrary Twins!

They got their “GOD DAMN SNACKS”.

*Ryan brothers take their seats*
*female stadium attendant walks up*
“Just keep a steady stream of Coors, Nuclear Nachos and cookie dough bites coming, okay baby?”
*tips her $1*
*slaps her ass*

Rex: Hey Rob, they said we should come dressed “professional.”

Quick, someone get a tuba player!

I know about the long-term adverse health effects of playing ball in the NFL, but even I wasn’t prepared to see what happened to Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas.