
God damnit HBO, just let me buy it! For fucks sake, LET ME PAY YOU!

That 5-10 years won't be enough either. I've known too many people who tried to go back. Once you've been gone long enough that feeling never completely disappears on you.

One way or another, greed / capitalism.

OMG still the best gif out there, and so topical today! Who doesn't love bees?

Addendum: most non-profits have way fewer staff members than most people assume.

More miniseries!!!! After how well Over the Garden Wall went (one of my fav things from 2014), this is such a great idea for Cartoon Network to keep pursuing. Also, I love the Long Live the Royals pilot that they released last year, so I'm also glad that gets to be the subject of their new one.

No wonder I became a game illustrator...

Babalon 5 - I've tried to watch this a few times, being that it's suposed to be epic and shit. But, it just doesn't engage me, and I loved some pretty cheezy sci-fi (Alien Nation, Stargate).

The snarky answer when it comes to a book's reputation: I never expect anything self-published to actually be readable. :)

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Avatar the Last Airbender. Ang vs. Ozai their first and final fight. The end all be all of the series!

Not gonna lie, when Ben Linus was parading as Henry Gale, I wasn't a fan. It wasn't until his soliloquy after giving Ana Lucia the map to the hot air balloon that he reeled me in as a huge fan.

No contest:

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded yellow sun.

Puberty did hit that kid pretty hard between seasons 2 and 3. Next time we see him I expect him to have gray hair.

"I don't want the world - I just want your half."

The problem is not and has never been population. The problem is resource and territorial allocation. Since the modern western planetary society today is founded on greed, injustice and inequality, the discourse is framed as a population issue in which Africans and other dark skinned people are unsurprisingly in a

This movie was fantastic. A walking weapon realizes what it is, and realizes that the great power it wields can make it a force for monstrous evil or great good. It comes down to the choice of the mind behind all that metal. How that mind is raised governs what it becomes; Atom0 or Superman.

The soldiers in Pax Romana are definitely NOT transported back for mysterious reasons in the comic. They're sent by the Vatican and led by a Cardinal. The time travel research is Vatican backed. I don't know if they've tinkered with it to create a mystery, but in the comic, it was very much planned, organized and had