
Itunes for sure. The ridiculous Facebook messenger (why would I install an app when I was able to communicate perfectly fine without it?). I also REFUSE to continue looking at any website the requires you to create a login account to just look at it.

Let’s not forget about Feral Boy!

The root issue isn’t whether a GMO tomato is ‘just as safe to consume’ as non-GMO, it’s that larger global problem of what happens when a company like Monsanto OWNS food because they manipulated a gene and patent protection says they own it. This means that neither you nor I (nor the farmer) is allowed to remove the

There are so many possibilities nowadays, so pick your poison: water scarcity, ocean acidification, overpopulation, declining oil, capitalism aka greed (global market crash), pandemic, top soil erosion...

I have a Victor Victrola from the early 1900's (only way to listen to Billy Holiday). Also Batman issue #13.

I think this ranges all over the place depending on the size, mission and marketing angle of a particular organization. Some folks like to use the 'tug at your heartstrings' method with the sad child or abused animal, while others (like us) prefer showing more positive images. As for the street campaigns...I can't


Which is exactly what we do! Funding small infrastructure projects with big impact. ;)

As the founder of a small international nonprofit:

Just had a male couple with a kiss on The Walking Dead. Some expected backlash but would it have been the same with 2 women? Hard to say. I agree that it's more often 'something you can get away with if it's 2 women'.

Living in NYC I have witnessed this first hand. Between the typewriters and the carbon paper forms, I felt like I was transported back in time 30 years. I had to convince a detective to give me a stolen property document for something removed from a home construction project and when we sat down at his typewriter I

I gave it like 10 episodes. It was one terribly predictable Hollywood cliche after another and I couldn't keep watching it. I LOVE post-apocalyptic and was hoping for some much more.

I'll leave this here:

Loved this one:

Now playing

I think I've seen this somewhere before....