
I live in NYC, right in Manhattan, and I have 2 choices: Time Warner or nothing. It's a sad situation when there are millions of people and only one choice available. FIOS is attempting to expand but still quite limited. In the meantime my bills gain extra charges a few times a year on their services or they invent

ditto. Tried to rewatch it and couldn't get past the terrible cgi and cliche predictability in nearly every episode.

Hope I can add a recommendation: My nonprofit organization The Project Solution funds infrastructure projects around the world. Our friend (and amazing artist) Paul Pope gave us an original piece that we had printed on messenger bags. Every bag is numbered and signed by Paul. Limited edition swag from Paul Pope is

Also available in the opening sequence from Star Trek Enterprise. ;)

This is winning on so many levels. 1. Old woman wielding massive sword 2. sword is haunted 3. she owns a sword ROOM. Fantastic. I need to roll up this character for my next d&d campaign.

Someone is likely already imagining this as a hip coffee house.

I agree. I like the science but felt a little let down with the ending and having to reunite father and daughter (not to mention the museum replica house on the farm). Felt a little too 'Hollywood cop-out', which I could have done with out. Made me think back to the first time I saw Contact and when she saw the

That would be 'western' unless you're in Eastern Europe.

I'm all for low cost solutions in developing countries, but the problem with many of them (perhaps this one as well), is sustainability. Deploying something like this out into the field in the rural countrysides of a developing country is great - until it breaks. If this unit requires any special parts to fix, then

Spoken like a over-privileged westerner who believes they deserve to have everything handed to them on a silver platter. Good job.

The short reply is, "...but we won't". While I applaud Mr. Wilson's recommendation, we simply won't do it. We (collective 'we') tend to always be reactive, not proactive, and even when we do react it's often pretty late in the game. We're already overshooting Earth's renewable resources at 40% or more and don't

These are just another in a long line of products that I wish I could hear what the factory workers in China are saying about our inexhaustible need for useless crap.

I remember watching an episode of Galaxy Rangers and some thieves were stealing something from a museum and were totally GUNNED DOWN while trying to escape. I was like, "whoa! those guys are dead!" I was accustomed to typical western cartoons where there was gun fights but somehow everyone miraculously survived (my

"This is what Loftin calls a "latent need," or a need that users themselves might not even realize they have. " *sigh* Thinking that you can invent something and then try to sell it as something you never knew you needed, generally means that you DIDN'T really need it, it's just that they are trying to convince you

Evil child genius who controls armored bot?

Did anyone ever read the Spin series by Robert Charles Wilson? ;)

Kazu did a beautiful job on his HP covers. I had a chance to interview him and he said that he was surprised he was asked, but I'm glad they did!

Wait..what? Isn't part of the conservative agenda to have 'less government'? This article was about mobilizing a community to take on their own fiber network. You know, 'the people'. No one is forcing anyone to pay for anything. It's the idea that people can join together and do something to get better service