Wait a second, there’s no fucking monorail?
Trust me. Tommy will never get into Cooperstown.
I’m a New York lawyer. You can start an action here with a Summons with Notice. This is probably being done to stall the introduction of the packages - if Verizon goes ahead and sells a service that it knows it may be forced by a court order to cancel, then it will arguably be defrauding consumers and subject to a…
ESPN may get by, but those regional sports stations are the ones who are gonna be screwed, and by extension those NBA and particularly MLB teams that generate vast sums from it. Gone will be the days of Rick Porcello signing for $22 million dollars a year.
Verizon always knew that ESPN would sue, and they’ve always known that ESPN will win. This is not about changing the status quo, it’s about selling customers on the idea that Verizon wants to provide customers the service they want, and it’s not their fault that they can’t.
The flame is a tribute to Al Davis, reminding patrons he’s burning in hell.
If only her son could be as proud of the things that went between his legs.
As a Red Sox fan, it pleases me to no end to read this comments. Being haunted by a “what if” scenario is the tie that binds fans together. Prior to that series, did the Yankees even have a “what if?” moment in their history that really haunted you? Mazerowski’s HR? 2001 vs Arizona?
This was a year after the Yankees won a series on a home run Aaron Boone hit with his eyes closed. Then got beat to hell by a team the Red Sox had scored 45 runs against in a three game series during the season. I am more bitter about the Yankees losing that Marlins series than about anything else. It was like they…
I don’t remember much else about that series but I remember yelling at the TV about that stupid fucking tiny bullshit wall in right. Fenway is so fucking dumb.
You’re so right. My family still talks about this. The Red Sox BS never would have happened if they didn't have a tiny right field wall.
That’s the one. That’s really the one.
Yup - Clark’s ground rule double was the first thing that came to mind. Because fuck Red Sox Nation so hard.