Burneko does a nice job of excoriating “English Bob.” Well worth a look.
Burneko does a nice job of excoriating “English Bob.” Well worth a look.
Maybe some of the typos people give the writers here shit for are because they can’t edit their posts either. I left an “owe” out. And I spelled “your” as “you’re” earlier. Sorry, Kinja.
As Deutsche Bank learned, the adage is true: If you the bank $300, you have a problem. If you owe the bank $300,000,000, the bank has a problem.
Is Seth “great,” though? Seth and the rest of the late night boys are nice. They’re nice boys. People were a little afraid of Letterman, and that held some of the bullshit at bay.
When you cheat as hard as Republicans do and barely manage to win— I’m looking at you, too, Georgia!-- it’s got to be a sign you’re days of winning are almost over.
True. There’s definitely a chicken/egg thing going on: everything Trump touches turns to shit, but the people he surrounds himself with, “the best people,” are pretty shitty to begin with. He’s both the worst version of the philosophers’ stone and a shit magnet.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Everything Trump brushes up against turns into shit. Anyone who hasn’t already had their reservation to that big cruise ship in the sky confirmed should stay at least a million feet away from him, take their vitamins, and kill any potential witnesses to even seemingly…
“The president got massive depreciation and tax shelter because of large-scale construction and subsidized developments. That is why the president has always scoffed at the tax system and said you need to change the tax laws.”
I liked that Sage Francis album a lot. I didn’t get into the follow-up and haven’t kept up with what he’s doing. Anything good?
i don’t want to start
any blasphemous rumors
but i think that god’s
got a sick sense of humor
and when i die
i expect to find him laughing
I think he’s both. There’s a lot of narcissism involved in thinking that one has the secret answers all the sheeple are too blind to see. His Twitter has been full of that stuff for years.
Only a few years ago, these people might have occasionally questioned whether this stuff might be all in their heads. Now that we have a conspiracy theorist president retweeting this shit, why should they? If a nation’s leader is the measure of its sanity, are they even mentally ill anymore?
I’m glad they finally gave Johnny Cash the chair.
Let’s start again.
“You can’t turn a ‘No’ into a housewife.”
Excellent question! A “gun-toter” is totes into guns. A “gun carrier” either gives people gun disease (it’s like gum disease, but even worse) or is a military ship that carries things, particularly guns. I’ve been blocked by Google, so I’m not sure which at the moment.
Actually, they started as a small group of koala enthusiasts. But, once big money was offered, they agreed to shoot koalas on sight (of course, they knew exactly where the koalas lived, so it was a massacre) and the rest, as they say, is history.
If they wanted to “bring gun-toters into the fold,” they’d stop with the ridiculous stances: “Trump for Emperor!” “Arm the dogs and, maybe, some cats!” “Russia believes in private gun ownership, too!”