Heroine Sheik

Coincidentally, “Vagina smoke, Baby!” is the name of my latest album.

“I love the smell of stollen in the morning. Smells like... covfefe.”

I’d never heard her voice before.

And I like to think I can turn a phrase.  Damn.

I could have done this all day, but I had to run. That hairy exchange kid from Denmark ain’t buying his own dogfood...

The ones with Vin Diesel?

I’ll check. I’m pretty sure Chewbacca isn’t a Dane, though.

Is it?  Are you sure?

I know “scoundrels.” “Scoundrels” are friends of mine. Asshole, you’re no “scoundrel.”

Like Barr, they also lied to Congress. The Democrats ignored it because the two of them are so stupid it would be like kicking a puppy. A really mangy, ugly, shit-covered puppy.

I must confess, I’ve been chuckling about this for almost two minutes.

I suppose you should ask one of those dreamy people to call out Biden.  News doesn’t write itself.

Casada, the speaker, told WTFV’s investigative team that he knows “nothing of [Jones’ allegations]—nothing,” while Cothren refused the station’s multiple requests for comment.”

I think there’s a Greek phrase about a broken clock that might apply. I’ll have to check my Plutarch.

Twist a pig’s ear, hear Lindsey squeal.

Feb. 17, 2016. South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Donald Trump: “I’m not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump because I don’t think there’s a whole lot of space there. I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.”

You left out the punchline:

I’d like to know how many white, eighteen to twenty-five-year-old men are regular watchers of The View. I’m going to go out on a limb with no evidence whatsoever, but I’ll bet Tucker has a larger share of that audience. And that would mean if that demographic is angry with the shallow discussions on The View, it would

I would have never guessed Gary would flip in “Who Goes Neron?”