That’d be better than Game Of Thrones and Killing Eve put together. I imagine Mueller is one angry public servant at this point.
That’d be better than Game Of Thrones and Killing Eve put together. I imagine Mueller is one angry public servant at this point.
I always remember the bit where Clancy Brown says something like, “I’ve never killed anyone before,” and Lynch casually responds, “You should try it. You’ll like it,” as if he’s suggesting a restaurant.
“Both said they take no issue with their fellow teachers who did participate in Monday’s White House activities, which included meetings with Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.”
Patrick: No, I’m saying he’s as queer as a three-dollar bill.
On the bright side, every time Trump puts a new favorite knob-polisher into an important position, he’s not picking someone more qualified who would be able to better accomplish his goals.
Other than the fact that the series wouldn’t exist, I’ve never understood why Bran doesn’t just Hodor everyone that is a problem.
“Who drew the dicks?”
The Sheik appreciates the odd, gross, inappropriate, perverse prank. And does his best to show that appreciation. Twenty years later, in a different climate, it hardly seems worth talking about.
My fear is that we’ll end up with the Prom King 1890/Prom King 1990 ticket— Biden and Beto. Granted, they’d beat Trump, but I think we can do better. At the moment, I’ll take any combination of Warren/Harris/Sanders.
I don’t want to think about that. The three of them debating? You were talking about the three of them debating each other, right? Right?!?
Any particular reason? I may have missed something.
This is really simple. I will pick five candidates and everyone else can fuck off and maybe get the VP nod. The candidates who will be debating are:
...we don’t really know what else it could be.
And there are millions of people who’d like to get out from under their student loans.
All these years and Kagame is still in control of the narrative. Dude’s a Sith.
No, we don’t.
I like Joe Biden a lot better when he’s not running for President three years too late.
I’m sure he’s lying, but I can’t imagine any MAGAts in Wisconsin actually turning this over in their brains and wanting migrants bused in and dumped on the town next door. Because if he’s not lying, he’s seeding immigrant communities far from the border these people are so obsessed with. It just seems…
Thanks! I’m glad I’m managing to entertain someone other than myself. The calendar idea is a good one, but I’m not sure if there’s a big enough market for my particular brand of nonsense.