Heroine Sheik

Like Spicy, she was hired to lie. Why would Trump fire her for doing her job?

I think you’ve figured out what President McButterpaws was drinking today.

Our president just retweeted the phrase “circle jerk.” Is it because he looks like a circle and is a jerk?

You’re not Jewish. Neither am I. Try to make your vague charges of anti-Semitism more clear next time, proudboi. And maybe say “Jewish” instead of “Jew” if you really want to sell your bullshit, you fucking hick.

Tax dollars at work, folks.

The sooner it’s normalized, the quicker the masses will be bored with it, dilly-dilly.

It’s always amusing when someone doesn’t realize their homophobia has crossed into homoeroticism.

It is one of the great treasures of the world, the greatest arts in the world. If you think about it, it might be greater than almost any museum in the world and it is burning very badly. It looks like it is burning to the ground. So, so, that puts a damper on what we’re about to say, to be honest, because that

Did you just insinuate Laura Ingraham is a whore? If so, I’m okay with it.

I can’t help but think this dickcheese would make better money if he charged people a couple of bucks each to kick him in the balls.

Can’t wait until these assholes crown another Hillary who can’t be bothered to make more people want to get out and vote.

I’ve had that before.  It’s... not great.

I’m still glad Robert Pattinson took his advice about Kristen.

No argument there.  Like I said, I simply wish there had been more of a twist, especially considering the talent involved.  Damn, I love Snowfall.

Once Cuomo decided to speak. very. slowly. like. Don. Lemon. for. added. gravitas, Don decided to speak... even... slower. They’re both pretty much unwatchable even though I generally agree with them.

The idea of President I Can’t Remember Which Foot My Bone Spurs Are In having any say in anything regarding people who choose to serve makes me stabby.

If I could count the number of times I’ve said, “Don’t take any guff from these swine!” I wouldn’t have been drinking when I said it.

Apparently, Trump’s fascination with Ivanka started well before she was an adult. Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen reported that when Ivanka was just 13 years old, her father asked, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”