Heroine Sheik

We should remember that Eichmann was horrible mostly as a result of his job. His job made him do some things that were unpalatable, but he had no choice but to do them.

Somewhere in Hell, Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn... well, they didn’t get wings, obviously. But they’re getting a lot closer to regrowing their feet.

I don’t like my power bill. Or rising gas prices. Or how milk is overpriced in my state. I don’t like what my friend “owes” to a hospital, a one-night stay that ran into five figures.

Other places.  Other battles.  Other seats.  You stooge.

I also kinda wanted the villain to be a little deeper. He kept chasing them through multiple timelines to the point of it becoming ridiculous. I thought maybe he was some kind of racist “time-guardian” or something.

It was well done, but heavy-handed. I thought for a second that some of the other police officers showing up at the end were there to arrest stalker-cop, but, alas, they were simply another half-dozen white guys there to back his play.

I remember my time at Summer Camp. The cool “space blankets” and the sexual assault. The cages. Everyone crying all the time, never knowing when they would see someone they knew before they came.  That girl they wouldn’t let have an abortion.

Your math assumes that Joe casts the deciding vote every time. That seems unlikely. And... you’re saying he casts it with the Democrats? That seems even more unlikely.

“But if we don’t run a Democrat who’s right of Lil’ Bush here in Coalhole Country, we’ll lose that seat!”

Everyone was saying Zinke was a lot slicker than Phonebooth Boy, aka: Used Mattress Man, aka: My Wife Loves Chik-fil-A, So Give Her One. Check back with him in a minute. The skeezy, naked corruption of his boss will override his common sense and embolden his worst and strangest instincts.

The President called me a few minutes ago about being part of his Cabinet. He didn’t know what position. He said, “Something to do with computers or, maybe, robots.” I thanked him for thinking of me, but I had to decline. Like anyone he considers for any position, I don’t need the scrutiny, and, if King Shitass

He’s really going all-in on the “Rapture me now, Lawd!” crowd.  It’s a weird bet since most Americans don’t care about abortion (as long as it’s generally legal) or Israel (as long as it’s generally there).  They’re simply not “kitchen table” issues.

Fewer hateful meemaws means fewer cage-liners bought. The invisible hand (and the US healthcare system) strikes again.

Now playing

The bad faith bullshit is ridiculous at this point. Or it would be if it wasn’t so dangerous.

The Trump White House leaks like a boozing diabetic. He’ll anger someone with access to it or someone with access to it will leak it in order to blame someone else. Or maybe someone at Justice will leak it because it’s the right thing to do or because they got fired.

One way or another, the report will be out in time for 2020. President Goldfish bloviating about campaigning on it is as shortsighted as everything else he does.

“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

You’re not a Real American if you learn stuff.

Oh, Devin, not the livestock.”