Heroine Sheik


Very rich goblin divorces longtime very rich goblin wife. Erects temporary monument to penis/soon-to-be-very-rich new goblin wife.

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski: Doesn’t sound like my thing. Can you hold the schmaltz at least?

“Ah didn’t vote for it because Ah reserve the right to be full of the right kind of hate.  And don’t you worry.  My constituency knows my heart.

Unlike most contractors who worked for Trump, Yang quickly learned to get paid beforehand.

So, kinda like the wall but with more potable water?  If we’re going to throw money away, let’s throw it away on infrastructure we actually need.

I wonder what a billion dollars could do in Flint, Michigan.

Can you name anyone you don’t think is antisemitic? Because, looking at your postings, it seems like you think everyone is.

No, because opposites. 

They’ll be telling the base to stock up on guns and explosives because with the rise of radical socialists in the House, Impeachment Is Coming.

Omar is to white supremacists as Meghan McCain is to...

It seems unlikely that Trump prays, but if he does, he’s praying to get out of DC without going to prison.

More dead Trump voters, asshole.

Bravo. I didn’t even know Mentats had a sense of humor.

I check his Twitter feed every morning to see which way the wind is blowing through his head. Let’s see... No collusion... He heard about the AIDS guy but didn’t quite get it... Ilhan Omar is an existential threat to Israel... I’m going to say it’s the usual level of cuckoo for a Tuesday.

I’m going with Temple of Doom and Crystal Skull— death cult exploits children and aliens. Also, the Nazis were in Raiders and Last Crusade, the two better movies. Your joke is funny, but the fanboy in me won’t let me not correct you. Sorry.

Jezebel was posting about him every week about some underage sex stuff from a couple of years ago. Recently, I read something about how he’d filmed himself being involved in a robbery after getting involved with gang stuff. Apparently, he, along with everyone else he kept posting about, is going away for a while.

Many immigrants from Central America litter. Are you okay with them dying in US custody? Some people in Thailand smoke a lot and are homophobic. If a tsunami and landslides bury them and their children, is that cool? One person talking about the loss of his store today was Indian-American. Can you care about him?

If he doesn’t get that cell he wants, he’s going to keep this lame shit up for what feels like forever.