Heroine Sheik

Yeah, she’s stupid rich. Why she shows up daily! on television! to bleat and get kicked is beyond me. But I didn’t think he’d made any real money.

I don’t think wearing a Super Sparkle Flag Anthem Racist Eagle pin matters much to actual terrorists. They’re more about numbers than picking the most devout.

Unlike everyone else who’s been in congress forever, I didn’t think Bernie had money, relatively speaking.

There will also be a lot of “Both Sides” reports, where a woman will talk about one or two of various women’s issues and another woman will say that women should be Happy Moms (the title of her book, btw) and should also shut the fuck up because wrinkles.

Nothing said yesterday hasn’t been a matter of record for months. I’ll ask because I can’t tell... Has the ball moved at all? Where are refs with those measurey pole-chain dealies?

What he meant was, “Why are you against companies hiring more teenagers but giving them fewer hours in order to underpay them and, importantly, avoid paying someone a living wage and providing a full-time job?”

how is treetee formed?

Now somebody’s got to start a fucking GoFundMe to edit The Globe. When will the madness end, Boston?

If you want to get paid to be An Influencer, you should pay An Influencer to teach you how to do it.

I haven’t looked at it lately, but, since you’ve boned up on what is and isn’t in it, is there anything in the second amendment prohibiting you from eating sherbet out of my ass with a fancy spoon?

Thank you. Without any context, one would assume the man in the photo is her husband, which lends itself to an angry black man” narrative.


There was a certain “I love my dead gay son!” subtext to the whole “not many people know that” bit. Has he been hiding these nieces and nephews from his non-black friends? Has he been using them to let important black people know that he isn’t racist?  What are the odds that Obama knows about his nieces and nephews

If that elevator was inspected by Carson’s HUD, you know it’s stuck.

“I’m outraged that undocumented immigrants are having their second amendment rights violated like this.”

Easy, Dennis Hopper :)

Have you been keeping up with your tetanus boosters?

I wish Trey Gowdy was still around. Actually, no. I just enjoy his histrionics and I wonder if his beard is doing any better.

“...flowing dreadlocks reached toward the floor, partially blocking my view of the woman’s Adam’s apple.”

I thought Oakland was supposed to be gentrified and boring now.