Heroine Sheik

“About two seconds ‘til you get shot.”

Damn.  That’s good wordplay.

I kinda don’t. If you line up to laddle shit onto the nation’s plate in hopes of making some political connections, you don’t get to complain about your dry-cleaning bills.

“...or go back down a very dark political road...”

How much of these ratings is a reflection of old people dying in front of the television and not being found for a few weeks?

Anyone who doesn’t think kids are weird little beasts hasn’t spent much time around children.

Funny how “bean counters” are super important to wannabe billionaire capitalist assholes until they have a vanity project. 

Who told you to stop licking my balls, Babushka?

Maybe Grant’s? But historians generally argue he wasn’t in on most of it.  So, yeah, as corrupt as Washington is, there hasn’t been anything like this in over a century.

Fucking dinosaur. She’s had that seat since the continental railroad came into being. These people need to hurry up and die or finally retire with the thanks of a once grateful nation.

When it’s winter eight months of the year, and there’s nothing to do but eat, you need someone who can find the forks!

And the woman giving Stephen that happy ending talks just like Xi.

And, much like, “Make” “America” “Great” “Again,” it can mean anything to anyone at anytime.

When you keep hearing a candidate is a monster and a gross weirdo but don’t know what they’re running on, you...

Did anyone kill their father, sleep with their mother, and then blind themselves over this?  Because that would be a tragedy.

The billboards are probably on a similar plan.

This is what is being sent to the little-r richies. They will skim it and write a check. Later, something will be emailed to the deplorables. That will be about AOC being a lesbian communist and ask them to buy a hat.

While he’s calling for a new election who do I call about calling for some jail time for this chode?

Unless the police and national guard side with them.

He’s kinda got a point, though. Anyone who’s ever flipped through a grade-school science textbook knows that trees breathe in Jews and exhale Nazis.