When he goes one layer too thin when wiping... what... what does he do?!?
When he goes one layer too thin when wiping... what... what does he do?!?
Okay, after you provide me with that list when I show you the list of Dems who were actually thrown out of the party instead of just being pushed out of public view, you can suck my balls. You’ll also get a carriage clock.
Legal people. Top. Men.
I’m bummed we’re not getting Shelley. Not to take anything away from Franklin, but this feels rushed.
Did the Delaware tweet itself? Did San Juan Hill? Did Normandy?
Man, I’d kill to have that motherfucker’s schedule.
Please give me an example of a Republican who didn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office by his own party for inexcusable behavior. Bonus points if you can find one who didn’t later say, “Fuck all y’all!”
Thanks. I like yours, too. You’re probably already aware of this, but...
And, of course, he said “Democrat party.” Somebody’s been reading their Rush Limbaugh talking-points.
Does that mean they think they finally get to use “the n-word” if they’re talking about Rachel Dolezal?
This show doesn’t seem like your cup of tea. Maybe try something else before you blow a head-gasket or accidentally write a dissertation about it.
It won’t work, but he’s trying to use the “rule of three” to his ativantage.
But this wasn’t really that. It was a fully-formed, remade world. Which, sadly, never quite came together but was still pretty cool.
Both are excellent reasons.
Go home, Beto, we’re drunk.
Agreed. The idea that being called “Lil” anything by President Mushroom Cap is scary is pretty ridiculous.
Disingenuity isn’t your long suit, Puke.
You certainly are.