Can you share a picture of a woman you find attractive? Because, aside from having an obvious case of crazy-eye, she’s certainly better looking than most people. Which is why what she did gained attention. If she looked like Harvey Weinstein, no one would have thought twice about her dipping a live chicken into a…
I always find a minute to put on something before I eat. Who wants to brush crumbs off their bits?
This whole not-getting-a-paycheck-for-a while thing would be more palatable to the average American if Republicans hadn’t spent almost fifty years gutting the middle-class.
They also get a ton of money from the gun industry, which is why they stopped representing gun owners and started repping for the gun industry. And, of course, like Trump, they’re getting money from Russia.
There’s going to be all kinds of government employees to choose from once they’ve had to move into/sell their cars. Doesn’t get much fresher than that.
Thoughts and prayers, Ainsley. What else can we do?
I’m glad she has the energy she does. Trying to change things for the better while constantly having to kick moldy old dudes in the dick looks tiring.
You get recognition, the mutual respect of members, powerful connections, lifelong affiliations and great parties.
Do I really make $100K a year? Only my Platinum Mastercard and I know :)
A physical barrier might slow some people down fifty years from now, when the US has crumbled in on itself, no one is manning the border technology that is currently available, and the water wars are in full swing. But, at that point, the question will be whether anyone still wants in.
Are we sure he’s not a Voldemort?
I assure you, he’s a total asshole.
You keep using your head to smash through walls like the goddamn Kool-Aid Man, eventually you start sounding like Donald Trump. Good to know.
Yours is a good take. As opposed to the, “you could buy 470,000 rabies vaccinations with that money!” approach above. Steyer is a doofus, but I don’t mind if he wastes his money running ads against Cheetolini.
Hallucinating prophets aren’t big on physical comfort. There’s a reason John the Baptist’s summer camp never opened.
One person says “Impeach the motherfucker!” and it’s glorious. Another person says it, but with cash attached, and he’s an asshole. Got it.
This is the same idiot who lectured Vietnam vets about the most famous line in Apocalypse Now. He was, as always, wrong.
He does think Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne.