
Nope. Windshield won’t fold down at all. The fake hinge is just there for nostalgia, “trademark” purposes. It’s no more real than Hummer tire infiltrators, Buick ventiports, or Civic grilles.


Famous Rebas: Amy Schumer. Lena Dunham. Jezebel readers.

When the hell did the garbage that supported the salad bar become part of the salad bar? I’ll stick with my spring greens and arugula thanks. The crunchies can keep their kale .

except they showed a ton of other games, but keep living in that false narrative in your head

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

The back of this thing is my favourite part by a long shot. PlayStation should take note: this is what special edition consoles look like, not this:

“A final note: if you ever pick one up because you like the front/top of the console, please don’t ever look at the back.”

For as bad as Danny was at that point, I thought Defenders did a fine job of redeeming him from IF, ESPECIALLY his fighting ability.

To reiterate:

Obvious reasons being i09 shit all over a perfectly cromulant show because they didn’t cast an Asian actor in a stereotypical martial-artist role.

Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.

Textile and Vegan are the interior packages? I just rolled my eyes so hard it caused tectonic plate movement in the south Pacific.

I deliberately didn’t see it because of Cruise.

And with the amount of stars they are throwing at this thing, I don’t want to watch any of it. It just screams desperation.

Different =/= better. I am resistant to changes that suck.

Never let the facts get in the way of a joke. Seriously, have you EVER seen a priest, a rabbi and an imam walk into a bar? No! But you play along for the joke, which has a good chance of being super offensive.

Porsche must be pulling their hairs out over this going “we cayenne do no more”

Some other good Argentinian citizens…

Argentinian racist? That sure explains the 1987 Guns ‘n’ Roses t-shirt. Jesus wept, what a tool.