
Google: The Nagano Tapes Opening Song

I believe the officer was quoted as saying “I swear, I thought he was black!”

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

After watching Hi-Score Girl, I lament being born outside Japan. Sure we had arcades, but they had arcades, man.

And Microsoft isn’t? 


Holy shit, that picture of the guy on the couch with the woman looking on in utter gear worship is poison. It’s maybe half a step up on the craven marketing scale from advertising smokes children.

No, it’s not. Also, fuck you

Well, Robot Santa did team up with Kwanzaa Bot and the Chanukah Zombie to free Earth from the scammers in Bender’s Big Score.

It’s Geoff’s taller, more utilitarian, black cousin!

Tom Welling Will Play Superman Once More in Crisis on Infinite Earths

Somewhere out there, a marketing team is high-fiving each other about how they convinced the public to expect 4WD.

You gotta romance a woman like the Crushinator. 

Appealing? No.

Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.

And just like *that* I went from complete indifference about this Corvette to actually rooting for it and looking at my finances to see if I could afford one on my modest salary. I can’t. Yet.