

If you ever tried to load a child into an SUV in a parking lot, you’d realize how awesome these are.

I feel obligated to publicly state my crush for Jeannette Klein.

Gritty Spongebob: “I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready” is what my Dad used to sing in the hospital hallways before he started chemo treatment.

Well common sense was my first thing. If I was in a zombie apocalypse, my first order of business would be to identify the Loris of the group and just flat out murder them.

So it's not going to be like the main show ....Good ,maybe these people will make some sensible choices to stay alive ,and actual use a little common sense .

Followed by, “Honey, I Blew Up the Walking Dead”.

Three Men And a Walking Dead Baby

Personally, I can’t wait for the next spin-off, “Look Who’s Walking Dead Now”...

Miles Teller believes the film will divide critics because it’s not “soulless, popcorn action”

I see Dee has crossed into Green Man territory...

Now playing

Track: How Soon Is Now? | Artist: The Smiths | Album: Meat Is Murder (and others)

We don't all race our cars on the street or the track.

All car enthusiasts drive recklessly, everywhere, all the time. So not the case.

Hey! Just like me at the office! Half my brain switches off and the other half keeps me working just enough to stay employed!

When one half of the brain goes to sleep, the other half keeps the bird airborne and alive, and then the other half of the brain takes over.

Once you go down that type of F2P shithole and start treating your customers like enemies you can fight with metrics, then there’s no reason to treat your employees any better than your customers, since those are disposable metric meatbags too. This is all the Zynga playbook.

Big Pharma already does that with heroin (oxycontin) and they use lobbyists to pay politicians not to object. : )