
I don't get that vibe at all from him. Sounds like you're projecting your own thoughts

Thomas had to stay neutral in the battle

Land-To-Air Nerf Projectiles

The new Acura NSX is coming out this year.

Also there’s a slight difference between “You lost the war (you started), we want X billion USD from you to pay for our efforts to defeat you! Oh, btw, you can pay us when you have the money.” and “Can you loan me some money in order to buy SUVs and stuff, since now I only have to pay way lower interest since

I feel so vindicated now... I rarely use the USB ports but also it’s irrelevant since the USB port on that side is dead. :P

Scully’s ready for anything.

This story...

Mazda - Car’s wrecked. Not our fault, but we’ll replace it anyway. That looks good, right?

A: It’s only been a week. That rep that called you back has fairly limited power and is mostly only good for getting you in touch with the local dealer. Welcome to the customer facing side of corporations! Sucks, I know.

“How can my car depreciate, before my first oil change, ya ask?”

Um, it was broke. I love the look of my Chucks, but they’re by far my least comfortable pair of shoes. I’ll gladly pay an extra $15 for better cushioning.

leather chucks? ok mr fancypants.

I always called these “luggage spoilers” and for some reason think they’re neat...

Chrome buttstache. Thanks for the mustache influence, it’s now called a chrome buttstache.

Add in the Calvin pissing ones, too.

You hating?

Because I’m sure that Jesus cares that you drive a Mercedes (in this example at least).

This cladding is horrible.