
Every time people start talking about Hank Pymn the same old crap comes up.


There’s your problem. You installed the plaid lens instead of the clear lens.....

Yep, one of the best super movies evur. Remember it's not Amazing Spider 2

>internet tough guy

I loved it when the Lone Gunmen were on The X-Files, (their own series was painful though), but I would prefer not see them in these six episodes. I’m not optimistic that it will be done well. They were all trapped behind some door that was filling with poison, right? Maybe there’s an explanation, but I’m skeptical.

Yes! DAISY! I’ve been calling her that, but I didn’t think it would stick. Now get a dog so you can visit the vet!

Things that should not happen: Crank 3.

The race was cancelled for unforeseen circumstances....in other words, don’t ever take selfies on the course.

“Supercar” SUVs are stupid as hell too.

First the Estoque, now this? That SUV is ruining everything. It had better be an unbelievably good SUV, or I’m going to smack every single person who contributed to those “customer reactions”.

Lil Wayne smokes kale?

With 6483.82$ you can buy 100% of saleen shares. I’d pull the trigger when it reach 600$ just to get to own the name and logo to piss Mr. Saleen with it daily.

1) Spend a dollar

Seeing a young Michael Douglas in the Ant-Man movie was really really freaky.

I’m kind of fuzzy on it, because it’s pretty old. Here’s what I recall:

You’re letting him WIN!!! What is WRONG with you guys!?

you guys should call it “winner” motorsports then you’ll win it’s so obvious

Yes! the fake drama manufactured by bogus deadlines is stupid. One thing I like about Roadkill is that they have deadlines, but rarely meet them.