
Goddamn New Yorkers and their “park-by-feel” approach to driving.

I’m not sure about where you’re talking about, but I’ve had that happen to me 3-4 times when driving for work. Come onto a road that the GPS takes you to, hit a tollbooth and your only options are EZ-Pass...and EZ-Pass. There were no signs warning you of this beforehand. Every time it happened in New York. Every time

Add to that people who don’t pull the fuck forward when stopped behond other vehicles at a traffic light. I can go into so many reasons and rant about why these people are selfich assholes, but I shouldn’t have to.

Responsible gun owners would never stand for a gun accessory that took a gun out of the hands of a responsible operator who can take total responsibility for the actions of the bullets that leave their barrels.

You’re right, the BBB can’t help you. Whenever I need help with an issue, I always call my State Attorney General’s office.

F the BBB, I took our membership away and in 2 hours we had an F rating. I ran free to play video games and when we banned a player for cheating that had never spent a dime the BBB made us support them. Down checks for banning cheating players??? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, but with less Tom Cruise.

Don’t script the whole thing. Doesn’t need to be 100% improv but at least include reactions (some would consider outtakes). The best part of any review is the genuine reaction.

I hope they have a bunch of gays, transexuals, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Black, Indian, young, old, tall, short, skinny, fat, smart, and dumb superheroes too! We don’t want to leave anyone out!

Well, punctuation is important. You could make a series out of it. Colon would be interesting.

He’s right about one thing: people are eating too much f*$%ing kale. Lately it’s been turning up in Caesar salads. Sorry, but go f$%^ yourselves kale people. It does not under any circumstances belong in a Caesar salad. Some kale is ok. I like kale in fact. But, America tends to overdo everything. And we are def

I wish i had a few million dollars sitting around so I could buy Jalopnik from Gawker and end this shit show. We’d never have to read a Jezebel headline about periods, or micro-penises, or finding poop on your thong, or what disney characters’ dicks would look like ever again.

Patrick - thanks for keeping the content coming today. I think your readers understand that the issues facing the GM sites right now are complex and challenging, but I wanted you to know that your effort has been obvious and it shows an incredible level of professionalism and respect for your audience.

Or do the opposite and have a young actress running around as Xena in the pilot, then Lucy Lawless shows up at the end of the episode and kicks her off a cliff for taking her identity. Then the show starts for real.

Cant have The Wasp without Antman. To get to Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel you need the Kree.

CarMax is a victim of Doug.

Now playing

I don’t get it, Dodge has some of if not the best ads on tv:

4th gear:

Yep, I saw it on Tuesday, and really enjoyed it. I felt like it carried a good, Paul Rudd-y sense of humor that was in keeping with the rest of the Marvel properties and perhaps even funnier than those other films. While while it was a bit conventional at times and some of the beats were pretty familiar, overall it

Honestly, making a “C” grade movie out Ant-Man is actually way, way more than I had hoped out of this project. It’s a fairly good achievement. Not as impressive as making a truly great movie out of GotG... but pretty impressive.