
Maybe cool it with the criticism of other sites until your house is in order?

“Go ahead. Make my day.” - The Leopard

$2500.00 escorts seem to be a sore subject around Gawker Media today.

YES. A limo should be quiet and peaceful. Also with the new Ludicrous Mode, you can scare the shit of passengers.

This just turns the auto business on its head. We can “upgrade” our existing electric cars now. a $60K car out the door turns into potentially $10K for each new upgrade every couple of years. I’m down with that. No need to trade in your car every year for new options and models that are not radically different.

Get out the way.

as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...

When I saw the trailer for End Of Watch I got super excited I to yelled to my husband that we we HAVE to see this movie opening night. I was all “LOOK! there is a mexican american in the trailer he doesn’t look like a gang banger/cholo and he said chones!”


Mr. Regular has taken bland car reviews and put his own crude spin on it. Even though its included in the reviews, he doesn’t so much dwell on the technical jargon you see from more sophisticated mediums, but rather focuses on the feel of the car and his perspective of the car and HOW it ties to the technical aspects

Life imitating art.

Now the question becomes: who is the better scene stealer, Loki and Luis?

Patrick George for pushing the limits of performance cars and breaking down barriers. Literally.

Very personal with great potential for global danger

Not world ending. The danger is basically “This technology will be used for bad purposes, so we need to steal it before this bad guy can sell it.”

As I’ve already said this morning, I actually think Ant-Man is a triumph, and your referencing Raimi’s Spider-Man helped me frame my thoughts on this. Ant-Man is the best pure super hero movie Marvel has done, and certainly the most comic booky. I agree the movie had problems, but I was so blown away by the visuals

The review is plain wrong. It’s a great movie. I would call it awesome. Gunn is not wrong when he praises it vociferously.

he’s always doin classy shit, like wine tastings and art galleries lol