
Anyone else happy to see that Lex has his favorite pet rock?

...what? That scene had nothing to do with 9/11, you dolt.

why is it 911?

Amen to Wonder Woman! She looks awesome!

Proof of concept for a zero emission aircraft.. And once it gets mad attention and completes it’s journey, more funding will come there way and push the technology forward. Not to mention the technological advances already made in order for the aircraft to be able to do this.

I was so overjoyed that my teenage daughter didn’t want piece of shit Beets when she asked for a pair of Sennheiser MM-550 X cans that I completely forgot to balk at the $270 price.

Trial by fire. It was the year 1999 and I had been working my first professional job, saving up to put a huge downpayment (>50%) on a 1993 Mazda RX-7. I had never driven stick in my life, but the R1 model was the one I coveted. Black on black. Curvy. No option for automatic, no cupholders, no leather, two oil coolers,

*slowly raises hand*

Authorized service centers around the world rejoice!

Just do what I did:

Oh wow, my first foray into Con Manuel was very similar!

Also, parts should be easy to get to, like the filters and such. You shouldn’t have to remove a fender to get a battery (*ahem* Solstice).


Easy. Turbo Teen.

Archer’s El Camino. Com’on!

Nite Owl’s Owl Ship, complete with Orgasm Indicating Flamethrower

The X-Men Blackbird.

...while wearing thick glasses that make your eyes look twice as big.

My first thought? Have a T-shirt made up that says “Jacksonville Asylum Staring Contest Champion 2011”

I can’t even imagine boarding this shit show let alone trying to evacuate. Having been in a plane crash (Delta 1086 on 3/5/15) I can tell you first hand that this seating arrangement would have guaranteed we’d have burned alive in a jet fuel explosion.