
You should start a Kickstarter for that. Cover the thing in GoPros and edit it down in super-slo-mo with patriotic music and call it “The Taking Back America Tour”. It’ll be famous.

“The list includes the likes of Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, 4-LOM and Zuckuss, as well as a live action debut for Clone Wars character Cad Bane.”

Can we crowd source this?! I will donate all of my monies!

A trusted friend related a story to me. One of his college buddies, a history major no doubt, got pulled over for speeding in Georgia (with some form of Yankee plates) and was asked the following by the Georgia Statie; “Where you headed in such a hurry? I ain’t never heard of no Yankee goin’ that fast through Georgia.”

He was the chosen one!

I really want to have an AMC AMX painted blue with a union flag on top called the General Sherman just so I can tour the south and do burnouts in front of every confederate memorial I run across. I’m kind of a lowbrow asshole though, so ideas like that really appeal to me.

Sure, it can eat an engine block. But what about hard plastic clamshell packaging? There’s the death match that I’d pay to see.

I would certainly watch more new releases if they were available that soon (It’s hard to get to the theater with two babies... or anywhere else for that matter).

I take it you watch Inside Amy Schumer, too? LOL! That sketch was a hoot.

Then steer clear of reddit

It actually worried the hell out of me just how attractive I found Hiro’s aunt, considering she was animated!

No, the only choice is Sean Bean.

Makes sense. She’ll be more like Aunt Cass from Big Hero Six. The age similarity between a high school Peter Parker and Hiro are pretty close. I approve.

This reminds me of the time when my friend showed me his neat trick to public speaking. He’d take a paper clip and hold it in his hand to have something to fidget with. I didn’t really believe him, but he showed me his clip after he gave a big speech. Anyway, I ended up giving a big speech not a few weeks later...

At first I thought they should have gone with an older woman, but now I want to see her go on a date with Agent Coulson. (They dated in a Spidey cartoon).

I’ll take Marisa Tomei in ANYTHING.

More like Marisa Aunt Mei, amirite?