
Use a vent holder

And for the Russians to make a surprisingly durable, yet completely unsafe one out of shit.

Pretty much, the Japanese make an engineering wonder, the Americans build a crude but functional version, now all we have to do is wait for the Germans to make a flawless but ridiculously expensive version, and the Italians to make a pretty but stupid penis shaped robot.

Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘Murica... But I think we’re poking a sleeping bear by challenging Japan to a robot fight.

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Those Chevy commercials where they try to show how “premium” their interiors are by having people say “This is a Chevy? I thought I was in a ___________”. Sure, maybe Mercedes is something common, but on of the people says “Infinity”. Seriously? Who that is sitting inside a Chevy Traverse saying “Hmm, I think this may

Doug “Tax Dodgin’” DeMuro- “It’s for Jalopnik!”

The one Doug DeMuro pulls on the IRS.


Good to see someone finally capped Ted.

“I’m Special Agent ‘Silver’ Fox Mulder and my partner, Dana ‘Dayuummm’ Scully.”

It would be nice if they can actually make a Parker a good, intuitive mechanical engineer (who can sneak time on a 3D printer) actually leading kids who see the movie to think “Hey, I can do that.” instead of beam weapons and flashy sic-fi babble that makes them think “That’s cool, but it’s way beyond normal people.”

I’ been dreaming about getting a surplus Oshkosh LVS for a long time! I just don’t have the excess land or excuse to buy one yet.

If you want a turbo-four Ford and you are getting a Mustang, you are doing it wrong:

Goddamnit. Doesn’t anyone in the production meetings bring up the fact that super hero audiences are sick of “Edgier?”

Producer 2: Guys, audiences are sick of superheroes rebooted as “Darker.” So we have to steer clear of that when we reboot the Fantastic Four.

The Marvel TV characters will eventually appear in the movies

I’m thinking The Defenders at least might appear in Infinity War, helping to fight off Thanos’ forces.

Wait wut? How many more are we making? I'm never gonna get out of this costume, am I?