
Now if they would get rid of Top News and stop the aggressive Atlas tracking, I think it could be a pretty good social network.

dontcha squidward

AWESOME! I saw that profile line from the teaser and thought Miura. I really like this.

Looks like a bit like it is a continuation of the Miura S. Look at the wheel design as well! Very much a modern take on the classic wheels! Good job Lambo on making something modern without being over the top on the retro cues!

That's the last thing Ferrari needs right now. The final MURICAN! nail in the fine leather wrapped "Officially Licensed" coffin

Wow Jason, I have that brochure!

I don't see these as gender-based versions of the same vehicle. Rather it's more like looking at Lt. Jim Dangle wearing two different uniforms.

Breakin the law! Breakin the law!

Honda RA300....because that exhaust manifold looks like it was sculpted by God himself.

This is the expansion pack for the 918 set.

this is the most auto-hipster thing I've ever read

Boy, you're fun. How'd you find your way to this website? What's more jalop than driving a hearse? How are you enjoying your beige Corolla?

You know the fiberglass C3 wasn't the only C3 right?

C3 last? Why?

Volvo needs to put the Yamaha V8 back in the S80 and turn it into a real Audi S8 killer.

HE'S OVER 9000!!!!

No car is allowed two spaces. Well maybe a Ferrari. For all the other cars safety in case of fire.