No, not America’s most beloved Hollywood super couple, Filliam H. Muffman!
Something very similar to this happened to me with the Cincinnati Police Department. I parked my car somewhere I wasn’t supposed to and then all these cops start banging on my window and pointing guns in my face and telling me freeze. What does ole’ chiddy do? I offer each of them a $50 gift card to Skyline Chili and…
I’ve had that same reaction. I went in to make a 4-figure deposit or withdrawl, I forget which. Either way, I just naturally assumed the ATM wouldn’t let me handle that much in an automated transaction so I went inside. Immediately I got the stinkeye from the bitch behind the counter and she asked me “is there any…
I understand that Harden is upset, but before making comments like these after games he should just take a step back and then take a step back and think.
‘Deuce’ Gruden. Nickname and picture unrelated.
I think that after the recent Muzzin trade the expectation here is that the chances of Gardiner coming back are basically zero. Especially when the Leafs didn’t have to include either of the minor league defensemen they used 1st round picks on.
Goff looked rattled all night. He was never comfortable. He looked like a deer in the headlights. He made bad decisions. He took terrible sacks rather than throw the ball away. He couldn’t even get screen passes or quick outlets going, just dropbacks and then throwing into double coverage. It was like they brought…
Well I for one am in support of Jerry and I am starting my own counter campaign against the fuckFuckJerry campaign. Everyone spread #fuckfuckfuckJerry!
After so many years, the entire NHL appears to have finally listened to that guy five rows behind you who spends the whole power play yelling “SHOOT IT! SHOOT THE PUCK!” no matter what’s happening on the ice.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a huddle of officials end with the referee announcing, “The game clock is correct.” Much less multiple times in the same game.
Asshloe....every tax brakes.. to businesses every city like to have a team that’s the price of doing business...and Trump is president
I want to believe you, because this is nice and makes sense and has a sense of closure that I could wrap myself up in and take a nice nap.
Look, we lionize NFL coaches for their workaholic video study, but maybe this is the singular case of the coordinator who actually eats the tape.
The comments on the Giz article about this are priceless. Did you know: if you criticize Elon Musk at all, it’s only because you’re shorting the stock? It’s true, the commenters told me!
as ye sow, Tom, so shall ye reave
Right before he was let go, a friend of his son was charged with suspicion of driving while intoxicated in a car that was registered to the coach’s son and wife. The friend was 19 years old at the time.
The only flaw I see in this is that, depending on how the money is doled out, it could have the effect of scaring athletes away from higher priced schools. Getting a Northwestern education completely paid for is great and all, but if a young athlete can attend Iowa and pocket $50k, that’s hard to turn down.
Scott Stevens made a Hall-of-Fame career out of that philosophy.
I will take your word for it. Never played or watched much. But yeah, even at the middle school level, when I played free safety I can recall being encouraged to light up my teammates in practice. Crazy.