Hermit Edwards

Not an accusation, a certainty. And yes, if you are a Yankee fan you are a horrible person. Another certainty. Cheering for the Yankees is like cheering for the IRS.

did it trickle out your nose or did it spray?

It has been consuming me.

Man, this Skins/Cousins thing is turning into something much like my second marriage, incorrect names and everything.

Handsome Monica is what they called my high school prom date.

To be fair, I don’t think I would ever play golf without a cart. How the fuck am I going to carry a case of beer and a golf bag?

Got kicked out for banging on the glass?! Man that’s crazy!! Sorry we just won two fights!

That’s just van gundys stage name.

I feel like you’re not quite getting it.

Marc-Andre Fluery is Running out of Rope

“How are the trunks these days? More comfortable, I hope.”

Daly’s comment makes MY brain hurt. Ice causes concussions, the boards don’t? Are you fucking dense? That’s one of the single dumbest things I have ever heard a human being utter in my life- and I’ll point at my screen name for proof that I hear a lot of stupid things in my day.

Ray Allen should just keep not saying shit to these clowns like he has been all this time, because he’s coming out way in front in this petty squabble. “Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt,” and all that.

first espn

They found someone local to Philly to provide firearms training, but I’m not sure Marvin Harrison was the right choice.

Back, and to the left.

Well, yeah. The Brewers (along with the Rockies and Cardinals) have access to all the watery piss they could ask for.

Whenever I knocked on my parents’s door late at night growing up, they said I couldn’t come in because they were “watching Johnny Carson.”

Two things...firstly, you can’t tell that bat flip apart from Herrera’s “I just worked a walk” bat flip. He bat flips for everything. It’s the best, in my opinion. Secondly, in two years with 400+ ABs, Hernandez hit .272 and then .294, and now is up to .338 in the early going this year (plus he has four homers—he had