Hermit Edwards

If the umpire was any kind of decent human he would’ve cleared the stadium, nobody should have to watch Marlins Tigers

For the record the Blues had a full scale brawl at practice this year so even if the fight is a positive they’re fucked

just make sure the camera man is in his rain gear if Lou Holtz chimes in

I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic, but replacable skills or not the costs to support a family, buy a house, groceries, etc. are crushingly high, Id say to do it comfortably you need HH income of $100k or more and even then your cutting it close in a lot of markets

Im with you id rather have the damn thing paid off while im still making big MLB bucks who knows what the future brings

ignoring the fact that the security guard deserves an oscar for that flop, if you can’t attend a music festival without getting arrested, you gotta really take a step back and evaluate your life

I was just angry at the heavy handed symbolism a la Scorsese having the rat run across the City Hall landscape in the Departed, the dragon burning the throne is just too much for me I think their point would have landed fine without that meaningless BS

What about Steth Curry when Im watching both Seth and Steph on the court, my brain can’t seem to pronounce either of there names rather just Steth and/or Seph

so basically Deadwood, with the characters from Red Dead

on one hand sure, on the other hand you compete in the Champions league with the next years iteration of your team, after an influx in cash from winning your league. That would be like waiting till after free agency and the draft to be complete before having the NFL playoffs

Not a celtics fan (so i could be way off base) but from afar I thought one of their problems was the young wings on the team had grown so much without Hayward last year, and this year he was healthy and it kind of was a square peg round hole type deal where it threw off the whole rotation, so I’m not sure if hes a

You mentioned superstars, but you forgot literally the best of them all and they traded him for Andrew Miller Cam Maybin and a bunch of career minor leaguers.

despite not hitting those last two slash numbers are good to great, I think its dumb to get upset by someone getting on base 37% of the time and slugging a good clip when he puts it in play, I think he’s destined to go on a tear at some point and his BA will ultimately settle in the .240 to .250 range and his numbers

I think its time for Jumbo to retire, he’s had too good of a career to get roasted by Robert Bortuzzo

you’re on the money re the killings, but burning down the building around the chair you seek to sit in is pretty fucking mad

I’m new to the sunglass game, i just recently realized how much nicer it is driving with them, I hope I’m not making some political statement with them, but alas the lack of a ballsack on the back of my car probably balances out my sunglass choice.

At this point any athlete who goes to see trump is probably going to be awarded a purple heart

This is the exact kind of equation that lead to Vlade drafting Nik Stauskas, and having to resort to trading a lottery pick just to get him off the team

i have no sympathy for any team with Hasek, but from Hull being in the crease for that goal, then the next year my man John Leclair had to resort to going through the side of the net to beat hasek

Maybe Umps just hate the Nats last fridays game Michael Taylor got called out to end the game on a pitch that puts this one to shame, i think that ump was Bill Miller who was hideous all game.