Hermit Edwards

As a Philadelphia guy I’m a little taken back by all these pieces coming out in defense of these two. Is the expectation now that if you are a decent human being and serve your community you have a lifetime coaching gig? Dunphy has has wasted a lot of talent at temple, and Martelli, when he’s got players like Bembry

I’m a sixers fan, I still have no idea how to feel about Butler, but its a lot easier to put up with his shit when he scores a dozen points in the waning minutes of the game. It seems like everytime I vocalize a fuck Butler tyrade to anyone around he goes off like last night.

isn’t there another side to the argument that the video footage attained was not done so legally.

Our off days were mondays, which blew because we still had class, but if we’re being honest a lot of mondays I did not make it to my classes

the NCAA sucks, but in my experience the bigger culprit is the individual teams and schools. The NCAA legislates these hour limits on athletics in a given week and the schools manipulate it with the combination of (mandatory) optional workouts and spreading out the activities such that you really cant do anything

I’m not sure what Happy Socks are, but tell Rob i have some holy socks Ive been hanging onto for way to long that i can give him if he really wants to impress the ladies

You have to actively work to avoid their recomendations, its so fucking bad. Netflix also just raised there price for what seems like the 5th time in as many years, I’m on the fence about cancelling, but I do still feel like the quantity (if not much quality) still justifies the subscription

I don’t want to defend the scoopers, but we can’t have it both ways. we expect to get all this information beforehand, we should also you know expect a good amount of it to be wrong. 

I get what they did was illegal, but I feel like we should be rooting for The Key folks, They’re probably some formerly underpaid admissions folks who figured out how to game the system and take rich folks money, in some lines of work they call that the american dream, unfortunately in admissions its fraud.

If I remember my 80s Dangerfield movies correctly Thornton was a great diver though

That’s the greatest celebrity couple name ever. I laughed a lot at that thanks.

You can look up any single day on a traffic map, and I guarantee you that it’s going to be black on the Cross Island”

Yancy Thigpen would be understandable, but Tyler is a real deep cut, but then again the city i hail from has sold more than their fair share of 3rd string QB jerseys (i’m looking at you AJ Feeley and Bobby Hoying)

no, but ruining a rookie qb behind one of the worst lines of all time is objectively stupid

I got a hot take here, David Carr would have been decent if he had an offensive line (which is also on casserly but that is not my point), he got sacked 76 times his rookie year, thats enough to destroy any promising prospect. honestly he should be in the hall of fame for just coming back for year 2

Allbright is generally pretty reliable and plugged in, I’m not sure dubious is the right word in an industry where half of all reports are a kin to throwing shit against a wall to see what sticks

very few fail in the NFL because colleges often dont even waste there time recuiting QBs under 6', Flutie had 1 D-1 offer and Brees I believe had 2, there was even an article way back when about Mack Brown then the coach of UNC essentially telling him he was too short. Even more damning in Brees’ case was that he was

Thats so cool you work with Haley Joel Osment

I had an uncle out from Ireland who damn near cried when I ordered veal, then proceeded to order the prime rib well done, I’ve always thought the well done thing was an Irish thing as well