Hermit Edwards

“some games need a little more bite to them, players these days are soft”

the Seguin deal looks really bad now, but if i remember correctly, weren’t they not going to be able to afford a new contract for him in a year so they decided to get some return rather than letting him walk after his contract ended?*

Certainly Possible, I’ve never met the guy. I base my opinion on the fact that there’s a lot of journalists in the area around that team all the time I would look to for insight before Santoloquito.

I don’t neccesarily disagree with your point, but I’d argue you see an awful lot of pitchers try closing games and fail, or have some short term success but ultimately get figured out (Mariano was dominant for a long time) and theres a ton of pressure on them for sure teams are expecting what like a 90% conversion rate

I want to give Andy the benefit of the doubt, I’m assuming he was trying to elicit a response in kind of “VEGANS CAN EAT SHIT”

I’m not sure how much stock i would put into the story or the alleged quotes, normally I’d say where there’s smoke there’s fire, but having lived in Philly and followed all the decent writers, this guy is a clown out for his 15 secs of fame.

Staubach was great and better than romo, that said you can’t compare QB stats across generations it just doesnt work, but if you want some metric Staubach had some awesome comebacks and game winning drives.

the same quarter. really bad look for the final four of the NFL to be decided on the whims of the officials, more than anything else in my opinion (and I think NHL and NBA refs get this) the officials should not be the ones deciding games, Clete and his crew would make a bad call one way and then a bad call the other

I’m an east coaster so I don’t watch the team all that often, but over the last few years they’re a boring team, and aside from Kase whose been a revelation this year, I actually liked what I saw from Aberg, that trade made no sense for me.

I’m always conflicted about those years, because yes they were awful, but those were the highlights of my sixers fandom, never again will I be able to get such great seats for pennies on the dollar, and regardless of how bad they lost every NBA game has some cool shit in it.

As for our defense we will be throwing the Kitchen’s sink at our opponents”

Dan Snyder is a fullonrapist DC is lucky to have him

I guess all of the Hate mail to Megan for her horrible food takes got caught in the Spam folder.

Maybe I read too much between the lines, but that Martell quote seems to go from

I got a funny recent story about DMV and insurance folks. So in august i switch insurance, and in PA when you cancel an insurance policy they notify the state, but you have the burden of proving your no insurance. Which no problem i sent them my new insurance info the same week and ask for any sort of confirmation, but

The biggest thing is they got the fuck out of Brooklyn (for the most part) when they first went back to the Colliseum they were a different team, and they seem extra envigorated every time they play there.

I’m an east coast guy so I’m paying the price today, but goddamn was that game awesome to watch. I thought some of those ridiculous stepbacks Harden was hitting were even better than the eventual game winner

Shit your telling me somebody would have paid me to delete that

I am almost* compelled to write a dead letter after reading that. I had a ham on christmas and still snack on it a week and a half later, you don’t even have to heat it up cold ham is the perfect snack food.

I thought for a minute laura was calling out Todd Barry for asking for free shit on twitter (which I’ve always found hilarious), but thankfully it was somebody on Instangram