
the tip about rewarding your co-conspirator raccoons with tiny peanut butter sandwiches seems oddly specific, like it was written by a raccoon

1: Press on nails exist. In fact, they’re extremely popular now, as the technology behind them has improved so much that they are actually incredible. Pre-pandemic, I was someone who got long acrylics every 2 weeks like clock work, but I now just plop on some press ons when I want to look put together. I don’t think

#22 steal content from reddit so that you don’t even have to ask your site’s commenters to do the work.

#21, using a slideshow instead of real content

he had a fucking rape button, katie!

The kids don’t love the front lawn, do they? They want a back yard, if they’re like most kids. Keep the minimal amount of recreational lawn you need in the back yard and convert the front to native plants or, depending on where you live, xeriscaping.

I guess I just don’t see why pepto-pink should be something a neighbor isn’t allowed to do. And that’s where the fundamental difference is.

My favorite lawn story is from on base housing in the Tuscon area. You are required to keep your yard in approved condition. You can choose either ‘local ecosystem’ or a green lawn.

Yep.  I hate the fucking half acre of grass I need to mow so the ticks and snakes stay somewhat controlled.  Once my kids are gone we’re going full raised beds vegetables and flower beds in the back.  The front we’re currently reducing grass coverage little by little every year.

I loathe the existence of HOAs with an undying passion.

Just a note: even indoors distancing still does matter. There was one MIT study that was badly communicated that made it seem like Covid would mix  equally in the room but that’s generally not true. The distance is likely greater than 6 feet, and distancing doesn’t matter as much indoors, but it still does matter.

Rightfully, criticism has been aimed at the fact that the media wouldn’t be covering this to such an extent if Gabby wasn’t a pretty white girl.

Except that California has robust protections for reproductive rights, so even if the federal level removes those protections, people in CA will be able to access that care.
Alabama does not. Federal law is the only thing standing between red states and a return to the bad old days. So, when we are having a discussion

Honestly, based on the headline, I thought the spread would be a lot bigger. Less than half want reproductive rights expanded? More than a third want them further curtailed? Those are pretty rough numbers, and I’m sure once you knock deep-blue states out of the mix, they become even more dire.

The problem has never been public opinion in general. The problem, at least in my state, is that the people who want to see Roe overturned vote in every fucking election, and the Texas legislature is dominated by lawmakers who only need their votes.

Even pre-covid, I would commonly witness fast food and dollar story locations go out of business because they could not get enough people to work. I am not sure what economic theory posits that it is better to go out of business than pay what it takes to get workers to show up, but a lot of companies operate that way.

Well it’s the Happiest Place on Earth for the shareholders and that’s what matters.

“if you are not doing so, there must be some reason”.  Like maybe because you don’t trust the cops?  Like virtually every person on this website has said for at least the past 18 months?

No. You get a lawyer. You do not talk to the police.

Hell, I’ll settle for recognizing that encouraging a culture of “just tell the cops what you know” and “they should search his house immediately” could potentially be used disproportionately against people of color. This site and commentators go from ACAB to Copraganda real quick.