Indeed, how would she ever survive in a country like France that lacks 35-hour workweeks, paid maternity leave, and affordable childcare. Oh, wait... Sorry, that’s the U.S.
Indeed, how would she ever survive in a country like France that lacks 35-hour workweeks, paid maternity leave, and affordable childcare. Oh, wait... Sorry, that’s the U.S.
If we weren’t all so starved for fresh content, I like to think we’d all turn this junk off the second the Kate Walsh couldn’t go to Paris because she got pregnant. It’s absolutely asinine. Yet I kept going for two episodes. And I probably will finish it.
This is the most PG, Gossip Girl x Sex in the City YA novel mess I’ve ever seen and it’s exactly the amount of light-hearted escapist experience I needed this week.
Is DiCaprio really going through a midlife crisis if he’s just dating the same women he’s always dated, like Mr Peanutbutter? I just sort of figured that he likes being single, and if you just want to party and have fun the type of women you date are all going to skew towards the twenty-somethings.
I don’t think of Leo as having any kind of crisis. He’s just perpetually in his mid-20's, when it comes to dating.
I think that societal change starts with enough people thinking about this that they raise awareness of it as an issue, and that educators and parents actually do something about it so we have generational shifts. If these books help, that is good. So what if they aren’t perfect? Don’t let “perfection be the enemy of…
I feel like there’s some missing the point in this blog.
This is a Penthouse Forum letter without the sex.
agree- the conclusion of this article seemed at odds with the rest of it. Yes, they don’t just give her a cinder block to try and have fun with. No, that doesn’t make it a summer camp, a wellness retreat, or a spa.
What “Aunt Becky” did was request which prison to go to.
Due respect to LeBron James and all the others voicing the issue of unfairness in treatment between white/rich and POC/poor individuals in the justice system - which is absolutely legit - but this is a bullshit take.
The only takeaway here is that ALL prisons should have these programs and more.
Screaming about “don’t let anyone tell you I’m not a good man” is like an essential hallmark of a not-good man.
Is this you getting the vapors because you don’t understand how medium security prison works or do you know that and are just disingenuously feeding a dumb and pointless cycle of outrage?
I find it odd that he fixates on just North in his tweets and rants? He has three other children who will grow up just like North to read and see the things he did when they were young. I just wonder what’s with always mentioning just her?
That quote is not about 2020, it’s about 5780, which is over now.
I feel bad for Kim. I feel bad for their kids. Kim isn’t to blame for Kanye’s mental problems. He was rich, successful and deemed a genius / had mental problems way before Kim.
We have to stop blaming the Kardashian’s for their men’s problems. The men they dated / married were problematic from the beggining.
Collins is consistent in her inconsistency, and can’t be counted on. Also, Collins and Murkowski may be saying that with McConnell’s blessing; if he has the votes to ram this through, he will, and is allowing these Senators to"look independent" knowing that it costs him nothing. These rat fuck Republicans are just…
Welp. 2016 fully came home to roost. This is why voting for one of the two candidates that will actually win matters.