
The MAGAs had a rough night. Lol Latinas took over the halftime show and Nick Bosa lost his opportunity to go to the White House. Amazing. 

Aired on Fox, too, which was just beautiful. 

You can’t even say the word vagina and you want people to believe you’re not easily offended? Grow up!

I’m not a sportsball fan, but I tuned in just to see the halftime show. I legit choked up when I saw JLo wrapped up in the Puerto Rican/US flag, the kids in cages, her daughter and that kid’s choir joining in for a few lines of “Born in the USA.” I thought all of this was the biggest F-U to the Trump administration

I’m not easily offended

Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.

Listen, the #boymom and #girldad shit is dumb as fuck but this is fucking unnecessary.

Hi! Can you please consider writing about the people in the order they appear in the picture? I end up skipping these articles and going to other sites because it takes too long Google who everyone is. Thank you! 🙏

Right? Like an ACTUAL Nazi. Not just a sympathizer, and not an unfortunate resident of a country that had already fallen victim to it, but a real live breathing Nazi. The Queen Mother’s lifelong hatred for her (and subsequent refusal to give her HRH) has a helluva lot more to do with that than because she married a

Fuck the monarchy as a general rule, but damn it’s wild whenever a story involving Wallis Simpson doesn’t also note that she was, you know, a Nazi. Kinda one of those things that should follow your name around forever. 

The only letters Wallis Simpson probably wanted were ‘SS’, so that was probably a good call.

The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy. “How dare our prince step back from his sacred royal duties of presenting awards, attending funerals and pretending to run charities! And just because we’ve been relentlessly abusing him and his wife for years? This

Joy Behar said it well on The View: people aren’t celebrating Lizzo’s body per se; they are celebrating that Lizzo loves her body (ergo, loves herself). 

Jillian Michaels is the last person that should be talking about weight and health given her history.

That the palace would make an angry statement about this, and not about rapist pedophile prince andrew, says everything. Throw the whole damn castle in the garbage. Go sussexit

I get that he’s the Pope of the people and all that, but he still doesn’t deserve to be grabbed—he’s not public property. Because if some guy had grabbed a woman like that, and she had slapped his hand away, we’d probably think it was OK, right?

Yeah, sure totally.

Dude it’s Cats.  You have to kill it 9 times for it to stick.  Everyone knows that.

It doesn’t surprise me that a white Cuban is racist. Colorism and racism is STRONG in Latin culture. I hope this tanks her career. She is so undeserving of what she has and it would not surprise me if the Latino community (which I am a part of) forgives her. As someone on twitter said, non-Black people should not be

I really wish she got a bit more credit for having intellectual curiosity.