
Were you listening to Keep It by any chance? When they made that comment about Lin and Phillipa Soo I was like thank you for putting words to what my issue is with the show! I would love to hear these songs with a Hamilton who is actually a singer. Soo has an amazing voice but her acting is not convincing to me.

...unless your skin tone is darker than fair.

I think we all know what darkskinned means, don’t insult our intelligence. We don’t do the paper bag test anymore but that would probably be the closest thing and this man definitely would pass. Pretending that he’s darkskinned in any universe is ridiculous and you know it.

“ Renting the apartment for a single day, just to shoot photos or video, costs $3,000—or almost double my monthly rent. Renting for a day goes for $8,000 to $12,000.”

Not sure why you’re comparing the two of them at all. . .

You think that a woman with a sixth grade education who admits to not understanding voting forms understood the risks of a jury trial? POC get caught up in the legal system all the time because they don’t have adequate representation and don’t understand the repercussions of the decisions they are making. We shouldn’t

He did an episode of the W.T.F with Marc Maron podcast a few months ago and I found him to be very refreshing. He’s very upfront about his feelings about his history with his parents and hollywood in general. I found him to be very self aware and grateful for the life it afforded him while still able to be critical of

When I was in medical school, I worked with a surgical oncologist who used to do movie and music trivia during cases. His focus was skin cancers, so to be frank, the surgeries weren’t that difficult (I did a few myself as a student) and he could spare the mental energy of quizzing us. People probably don’t realize


I’m graduating from my masters program at Harvard next month and he is our commencement speaker. I can not even wait to hear speak, especially in the Trumpian era.

I’ll let the rest of the black delegation know that our wide noses are so unattractive.

I would love to hear this theory!

Colin is down as well:

These. . .don’t look like they were made for feet.

Actually, this is from season 3 of The Game. Jason Momoa had a guest starring arc for a few episodes.

I’ve been to her show and it’s not live every day. They pretape every Friday episode and holidays or if there are timing issues with guests.

I’m currently doing my masters at Harvard and let it be known that most of the students and the faculty are PISSED that Chelsea Manning and Michelle Jones are not allowed to be associated with the university and yet Sean Spicer somehow is. A bunch of professors wrote and signed an op ed in the Crimson about Manning

I agree 100%, that whole “bend the knee” thing is already tired. She doesn’t have any allies left so is not really in a position to be making nonsense demands. I blame this on Tyrion a bit because Danerys doesn’t know Westeros as well as he does, therefore he should have explained to her that the North can’t be held.

Costochondritis is actually common among athletic people and teenagers due to growing pains. I’m a doctor though family/internal medicine is not my specialty; however I do remember that from medical school.