
Anything is possible, but the whole thing still sounds like Pompeo talking a whole lotta shit.

Wait a minute...so the officer accidentally grabbed wrong weapon, accidentally UNHOLSTERED the wrong weapon, accidentally removed safety, accidentally AIMED A WEAPON and didn’t feel in the hand it was a gun...gun which is A LOT heavier than a taser, especially if fully loaded.

He just sounds so mean. Like really? You wouldn’t leave your kid in her care, just because she’s fat?? I fucking hate people like this. They can’t see beyond people’s weight.

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

That statement right there made me smile like the fat cat that just ate the canary, the fact the Reddit became its own hedge fund and is lead by randos is even more hilarious .

The [American] military and the police are inherently malicious. Individuals within might not be, but they are surely aiding and abetting an agenda that is highly focused on destroying anything outside of the white, capitalist norms that most western nations adhere to. Sorry that there’s no soft way to put that.

Flying from California to New York for a shopping spree in the middle of a pandemic takes a real special kind of asshole, everything else that follows is just what you would expect from someone with this kind of decision making .

Evidently her lawyer hates her because, damn, this interview did her no favors.

My favorite of her attempts at explaining away her racism is that she can’t be racist since she’s mixed Filipino and Vietnamese.

What struck me was her defense of being young and female and alone in NYC without the one thing that connected her to the outside world. Ok, things like that happen. What’s your plan? Start randomly accosting and attacking strangers because you assume they’ve stolen your phone, or do something logical, like retrace

who she claims is just “very young” and “emotionally unwell”

This. She was in a NYC hotel, so I can say with 99.9% certainty that there were many other people of many different ethnicities also carrying iPhones in that lobby at any given time. Picking the Black teenager could have been random, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Does it really matter if she is white? I think it’s the skin color of the other person, and the influence that has on the attacker’s decision to attack, that dictates whether it was racially motivated.

I am literally un-greying you so you can explain your statement that she was brought up in a Latinx community. Please provide details and sources for your statement.

I’ve seen several news sites already pointing how this is the logical conclusion of the Republican party ‘humoring’ Trump for a short while.

Dear Republicans,

I don’t know how you could possibly think that this episode was suggesting “both sides are bad” or any sort of equivalency between Nazis and progressives. That’s just ridiculous. Some people fake/use progressivism in order to gain power and wealth; Neuman is one of those people.

RIP my brother. But come on, you can’t deny the experiences of millions based on your personal experiences. “Well they never did anything to ME.” is the most short-sighted, closed-off foolishness.  When people tell you the stove is hot, believe them.

She’s the worst.

Is it accurate to refer to Montrose’s lover and the other ball participants as “trans women,” or is that imposing a modern understanding on a historical phenomenon that wasn’t quite so clear cut? I’m not an expert on ball culture, by any means, but my understanding is that for some participants it was more about expres